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All About Aquarius

January 20 - February 18

by Staff

The symbol for Aquarius is the Water-bearer, symbolizing community and mankind. The waters of life flow like ideas coming from the unrestrained mind. Surprisingly, Aquarians are not Water signs, but intellectual Air signs, interested in high concepts and ideas. Personal emotions come second to a more universal school of thought. You dance to the beat of a different drummer.

As long as you don't get too deep when discussing your feelings, you Aquarians make good communicators. Your friends are very important to you and you might be involved with groups of like-minded people in a social club, a political action group or public service group.

Your motto could be "Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." And yours is a great spirit, sometimes erratic and sometimes brilliant. Because you seek so much knowledge about yourself and the world at large, that knowledge can get in the way of your own happiness. Your practice is twofold. First, you must learn how to separate your crazy notions from what is important. And second, you need to learn how to respond to the opposition you encounter without making it difficult for yourself.

The Aquarius element is Air

The Air of Aquarius can be like the winds after a lightning strike. Large amounts of air are moved around suddenly in such a storm, and that which survives this intensity gets to enjoy the calm after the storm.

The astrological element of Air represents movement, and the most efficient movement between two points is often a thought. Air signs are thinkers, emphasizing the intellect over other functions. With active minds and a good command of language, the Air signs are the natural born communicators. They can be as light and breezy as the breath of spring, but their words can also carry the power of a gale force wind.

Horoscope house: 11th

The 11th house is sometimes called the House of Friends, Hopes and Dreams. Friends will support our dreams of the future. Here, in the 11th house, we're not concerned with our day-to-day responsibilities. Instead, we are thinking about our ideal situation and dreaming of ways to get there. Whether we do or not is less important than keeping the dreams alive.

Aquarius' key planet: Uranus

Uranus is the weirdest planet in the solar system. Its north pole faces the Sun and its Moons spin around it backwards. As such, Uranus symbolizes the eccentric and unique things in our lives. It is associated with brilliance -- even if short-lived. And, like lightning, Uranus can release our hidden tensions suddenly and with great immediacy. In fact, Uranus is often the astrological culprit when our lives are turned upside-down. As the key planet of Aquarius, it encourages us to rebel against social injustices and to seek freedom of expression in our lives.

Your greatest strength

You have an eclectic way of seeing things

Your possible weakness

You have a know-it-all attitude that can be unattractive

Read today's Aquarius horoscope »

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