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All About Capricorn

December 22 - January 19

by Staff

You sure-footed Capricorns are natural-born climbers, setting high goals and pushing forward with the right amount of determination to achieve them. Obstacles along the way are no match for your ambition and drive. You get the most personal satisfaction when others recognize your accomplishments; status is of importance to you.

Stability and practice make for a great combination, helping you reach the top of the cliff without falling ... so when it seems you're being reckless, many times it turns out that you've had it calculated, planned and rehearsed all along. In order to reach the top of that mountain, you are energetic, yet remain cautious, only expending enough energy and resources to get you where you need to go.

Your motto might be "If opportunity doesn't knock, then build a door." For a Capricorn, hardships can be your path to fulfillment, but for the sake of happiness, it would be good for you to learn to appreciate what you have instead of always striving for the next plateau.

The Capricorn element is Earth

The Earth of Capricorn is that of foundation and structure. You require a stable base so as not to build your life on shifting sand.

Earth signs are naturally practical. In this lifetime we are bound to Earth -- there is no escaping the reality around us. The earth is about as real as it gets; it can be felt, weighed and it has substance. Accordingly, the Earth signs base their life on what is real, not what is imagined. Sensation is valued over thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground, so others seek their advice because of their basic sensibility. For Earth signs, seeing is believing.

Horoscope house: 10th

The 10th house is the House of the Father. It is where we pursue the outer world, which is often related to our career -- this relates to the workaholic mentality of the Capricorn, and how the outer world sees us through the professional role we play. It is here, in the 10th house, that we look to find status and recognition.

Capricorn's key planet: Saturn

As the key planet for Capricorn, Saturn symbolizes that we get what we deserve. If we take shortcuts in life, we'll meet up with problems later on, but if we do things with integrity, the rewards will be ours. Saturn, the ringed planet, is etymologically tied to the word "Satan." But, as demonstrated in the Tarot, the "Devil Card" is not a bad card, it's only difficult if we've made the deal with the devil, believing the physical world is all there is. Saturn is the planet of boundaries and limitations. If we succumb to those limitations, we are doomed to live within the laws of cause and effect. But, if we do the hard work of spiritual practice, we can be rewarded by the wisdom that exists beyond the material plane.

Your greatest strength

You overcome obstacles with great tenacity

Your possible weakness

You work too much and don't allow yourself time to sit back and relax

Read today's Capricorn horoscope »

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