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Significance of Your Wedding Date in Astrology

Get horoscope help in choosing your wedding day

by Judi Vitale
wedding day astrology

Whether you're planning your wedding or already married, the date of your marriage is influenced by the cosmos! Astrology can offer clues to what the big day -- and the marriage itself -- will be like. Look at which zodiac sign the Sun will be in (or was in) on the date of your wedding for cosmic insight that can put you on the path toward "happily ever after."

Aries marriages (March 21 - April 19)

The fiery energy of Aries is the force that pushes life out of the dormancy of winter. It's an excellent time to get married, because love thrives in the fresh atmosphere of springtime. Making a pledge to be with one other person for the rest of your life is a big, bold step, and Aries supports the kind of courage that it takes to do this. Once this marriage gets off the ground, though, it's important to keep the relationship fresh and exciting. Anniversary getaways to spots that show spring blooming in all its glory will keep the sexy side of this union sizzling.

Taurus marriages (April 20 - May 20)

For those who look at marriage as the next logical step in their relationship, the slow, steady and protective energy of Taurus makes it the perfect time of year to tie the knot. It is quite compatible with the concept of allowing no one to "set asunder" the bonds that are created during the ceremony, yet it also allows for a festive, indulgent spirit to prevail at the reception. As they go through life together, couples married under Taurus will be secure and happy. However, they'll always have to be wary of getting stuck in a rut. Sensuality will thrive when they take short, impromptu trips together and introduce an element of variety into their sex life.

Gemini marriages (May 21 - June 20)

The busy-busy buzz that occurs during the Sun's visit to Gemini is totally perfect for weddings. The wedding preparations will probably come together all at once, but people can often be of two minds about their choices regarding wedding colors, flowers, food and transportation logistics. The Gemini marriage will be characterized by strong communication between the partners on both the verbal and physical levels.

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Cancer marriages (June 21 - July 22)

The spirit of the beginning of summer comes from the enjoyment of Earth's bounty, so Cancer weddings are always about the food, desserts, and the love of the couple, their families, and friends. As two become one, the spirit of this domestically-oriented zodiac sign will emphasize the meaning of joining hands and hearts to create a new entity. Cancer couples often find themselves concerned more about their home, children, and the way they interact with relatives than many of their peers. The trick to preserving passion is to demand time that's dedicated to just the two of them.

Leo marriages (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Leo's warm, flashy energy is perfect for drawing attention to the pomp and ceremony of weddings. People will go out of their way to honor the bride and groom, and the wedding may include elements of flourish that seem to treat them as royalty. There is sure to be a lot of down-to-earth fun, too. The Leo marriage will be a point of pride for both partners, and each will want the other to live up to high expectations -- both in and outside the bedroom.

Virgo marriages (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

For those who want to celebrate the bounty of their love while the weather is still ultra-pleasant, the Sun's visit to earthy Virgo is a great time for weddings. The energy of this time is about reorganizing after the laid-back months of the hot summer. Pushing toward the practical will give the Virgo wedding a strong focus and allow for the smooth execution of plans. A Virgo marriage will be characterized by the sense of duty that supports the love and passion between two people. When it comes to lifelong commitments, taking responsibility for one another is simply the right thing to do.

Libra marriages (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

The romantic spirit of Libra is like no other. The whisper of chillier winds is instantly warmed by the bright colors and happy moods of people reaping the bounty of the harvest. Couples searching for richly hued backdrops and quiet, peaceful moods will enjoy getting married during this time. The Libra marriage will probably be marked by many discussions and controversies between life mates; but arguments can always be settled with true compromise.

Related Article: Love Songs for Every Zodiac Sign

Scorpio marriages (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

The deep emotional atmosphere created by the Sun in Scorpio brings out passion in the whole wedding party. From sexy bridal fashion to sumptuous food, the idea of "excellence" is certain to come across in the ceremony and reception. The deeper, more transformative side of the bride and groom's relationship will be on display, and wedding guests will be interested in hearing the story of their love. In life, the couple married under Scorpio will like having a lot of private time so they can explore the joys of their sexual and spiritual connection.

Sagittarius marriages (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

There probably isn't any more joyful wedding than the one that takes place while the Sun is in Sagittarius! The pure happiness that emanates from the happy couple will create contagious laughter among the wedding party and guests. A marriage formed under Sagittarius will produce a family that's always ready for adventure -- from trekking through the Himalayas to camping out in the backyard with the kids.

Capricorn marriages (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Getting married at the beginning of winter can be a lot of fun, whether the couple decides on destination nuptials in a tropical locale or a traditional wedding that coincides with seasonal family gatherings. Dignity is the key here, as that is the chief attribute of Capricorn. This doesn't mean there won't be a lot of laughs, though. The Capricorn marriage will take on some of the characteristics of a business relationship; the love life will be private, but far more passionate than outsiders might imagine.

Aquarius marriages (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

The dead of winter might not seem to be the most warm and toasty setting, but to the couple that chooses this time to seal eternal love with a kiss, it's the most romantic moment of the year. It could, after all, be Valentine's Day! The wedding will feature unconventional elements, as the bride and groom strive to shock their families and guests out of the winter doldrums. The couple married under Aquarius will see the highest potential in one another, and work hard to bring it out, sexually and otherwise.

Pisces marriages (Feb. 19 - March 20)

The dreamy spirit the Sun in Pisces exudes can be perfect for the most romantic of dreamers. The hope of the approaching spring can feel as refreshing as Sleeping Beauty's magic kiss. The bride and groom will want to bring out the soft side of their love as they create a magical wedding for themselves and their loved ones. The couple married under Pisces may be dreamers, but everyone will admire their ability to go with the flow as they sail the seas of life.

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