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All About Libra

September 23 - October 22

by Staff

As the sign of the Scales, the Libra mentality is one of balance and grace. You like to make others feel comfortable, and your need to find equilibrium shines through in form, content, colors and elements -- art, beauty and creativity are Libran strong suits.

You are a gracious host, attentive and charming, and interpersonal relationships in general come very easy for you. As a Libra, you put the needs and wants of others before your own, which makes you very diplomatic. During arguments or discussions, you can settle between both extremes to find the best solution for everyone.

Your motto might be "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." From playing chess to relationship counseling, you’re an effective strategist while staying in the middle of the road. Don’t forget about your own needs, though, or you won’t be able to give as much to others.

The Libra element is Air

The astrological element of Air represents movement. And the most efficient movement between two points is often a thought. Air signs are thinkers. They emphasize the intellect over other functions. With active minds and a good command of language, the Air signs are the natural-born communicators. They can be as light and breezy as the breath of spring, but their words can also carry the power of a gale force wind.

The Air of Libra is about equilibrium. Even the atmosphere needs to rest, so here, we seek ways to give our thoughts temporary respite from their never-ending movement.

Horoscope house: 7th

If the 1st house represents the self, the 7th house, opposite it, represents the other. This can be a business partner, a spouse or any other type of partnership amongst equals. Most often, this is where we look to see how we relate to others in our life.

Libra's key planet: Venus

Venus is the planet of love and desire. She is in charge of romance and beauty. But Venus isn't only about physical love; she's also symbolic of the ideal love. When we see a beautiful painting or other work or art, Venus is present. She is the beauty of a rose as much as she is the attraction we have to someone we love. As the key planet of Libra, Venus is about the perception of beauty as an ideal. Here, she is the proper blend of colors, the right mix of music or the perfect poetic description of love itself.

Your greatest strength

You have grace and charm when helping others

Your possible weakness

You forget to take care of your own needs

Read today's Libra horoscope »

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