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All About Sagittarius

November 22 - December 21

by Staff

Your body is that of half man, half horse. As the Archer, or Centaur, you are driven to overcome your basic animal instincts by directing your thoughts all the way to the heavens -- hence, you aim your arrow toward the sky. Sagittarians are constantly searching for ideas, taking with you a love of adventure and philosophy along your journey to enlightenment; things that bring you a greater awareness outside of your immediate realm.

That arrow pointed upwards also represents your extreme optimistism -- and sometimes, you're so honest with your feelings that you may hurt the feelings of others without realizing it.

Your motto is "It is better to know how to learn, than to know." Constantly seeking knowledge and wisdom, people are drawn to your outgoing personality and ability to see the silver lining in just about any situation, even when others see darkness. If someone takes the wind out of your sails, you may sour, but you rarely lose hope -- and that’s where you find your inspiration.

The Sagittarius element is Fire

You'd think that as a Fire sign, you would be hot -- but rather, you give off a more subtle warmth from far away. You have the fire of inspiration, with heat that motivates the mind -- and other minds -- to reach out into the wilderness. And with strong survival skills, you spread through that wilderness with intuition rather than logic.

Horoscope house: Ninth

If the 3rd house is the House of Quick Trips, then the opposite 9th house could be called the House of Long Distance Journeys. It's about foreign travel and higher education -- for that's travel in the mind and the potential adventure that the future holds.

Sagittarius' key planet: Jupiter

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and symbolizes expansion. He is the king of bigger, better and more. But, of course, too much of a good thing isn't necessarily good, and Jupiter can encourage us to overspend or overindulge. Jupiter acts like a magnifying lens and can make a little opportunity look larger than life. As the key planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter encourages us to take those opportunities, to live life as an adventure and to believe in something greater than ourselves.

Your greatest strength

You are always the optimist

Your possible weakness

You gloss over problems to avoid difficult situations

Read today's Sagittarius horoscope »

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