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All About Taurus

April 20 - May 20

by Staff

You’d think that, being the Bull that you are, you’re more of a fighter than a lover, but it’s actually the opposite. Gentle and peaceful, it’s the stubborn Taurean nature that makes you so bull-headed, and it’s only when your stubbornness reaches a boiling point that you take charge.

The sign of Taurus upholds determination like no other. You crave stability, simplicity and functionality in life, and while you won’t be distracted in your mission to obtain these things, you’re also careful and precautious as to not take too big of a risk that could lead to problems down the road.

Your motto might be "Take care of the senses and everything else will take care of itself." As a Taurus, you seek material things -- not because of their monetary value, but because of how they make you feel. Comfort and pleasure go hand-in-hand, which means the finer things in life, from quality fabrics to fine foods. Sometimes, however, you stray towards the extreme side of practicality, so it’s important to look beyond material possessions and see the splendor that lies elsewhere.

The Taurus element is Earth

It makes sense that practical Taurus is an equally-practical Earth sign, authentic, real and inescapable. Earth signs are more about the basics and less about imagination, more about what is physically felt than what is sensed -- and if something isn’t tangible, then it’s not really there.

Horoscope house: 2nd

Personal possessions and the things we value most are represented in the 2nd house, which goes hand-in-hand with the Taurean's quest for material things. These possessions can mean money, or simply your personal values and morals.

Taurus's key planet: Venus

Love, both physical and ideal -- such is the planet Venus. For a Taurus, Venus is sensual and simple, fulfilling your outlook on beauty and passion by satisfying the senses.

You have a sensible outlook on life

Your possible weakness

You settle and accept less than you can truly achieve

Read today's Taurus horoscope »

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