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Back to School Tips for Your Zodiac Sign

Cosmic tips for getting back in the classroom

by Stephanie Dempsey

Love it or hate it, it's time to head back to school -- and some zodiac signs definitely love it or hate it more than others. For example, signs like Capricorn love to work hard and embrace school as an opportunity to shine, while signs such as Taurus would rather be at home relaxing. When it comes to school, a little forethought makes all the difference between success and failure. So take a look at your sign below for tips on how to get happy about getting back in the classroom!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Eager Rams are often excited at the prospect of starting a new school year because it gives them the chance to make a fresh start. Plus, there's the prospect of stocking up on supplies! Must-haves for Aries include new tennis shoes, a cool pair of jeans, and athletic gear. As far as school supplies are concerned, a calendar is a wise investment for this impulsive sign that needs to plan ahead in order to meet deadlines.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Luxury-loving Bulls hate saying goodbye to the lazy, hazy days of summer. The prospect of a new wardrobe can help ease the sting of going back to the classroom. Tactile fabrics in earth tones can whet Taurus' appetite for school, as can art supplies -- especially colorful pens. An alarm clock is a wise investment for this sign that has a hard time waking up in the morning. Music that stimulates the intellect like Mozart, Erik Satie, and Phillp Glass is also a good choice.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Eager beaver Twins can't wait to race to the head of the class. No other sign looks forward to school like Gemini does. Still, that doesn't mean you should deprive Geminis of a back-to-school shopping spree. New notebooks, a high-speed internet connection, and a big dictionary are good investments for a Twin's education. When it comes to clothes, this sign should strive for a few basic pieces they can mix and match with patterned scarves, sweaters, and accessories.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Domestic Moon children are reluctant to leave the comforts of home for school. That's why it's a good idea to treat this student to supplies that will make their academic environment more familiar. Locker accessories like a mirror, hanging basket, and magnetic photo frame are all good choices. As far as fashion is concerned, a vintage coat would be perfect for this sentimental sign. These crafty creatures will also enjoy a fresh supply of scissors, tape, glue, and colored pencils.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Glamorous Lions enjoy the prospect of making a big splash on the first day of school. A new hairstyle may be the best way to get Leo excited about getting back behind the desk. Don't forget to throw in a pair of movie star sunglasses! As far as school supplies are concerned, personalized pencils and notebooks are just this sign's style. Lions also enjoy the performing arts, so a Shakespeare anthology or musical instrument would be wise investments.

Virgo (August 23 - Sept. 22)

Thoughtful Virgins often enjoy the prospect of school. When it comes to clothing, these students prefer classic, understated pieces that won't draw lots of attention. Jeans, corduroys, tees, and button-down shirts suit them just fine, as will a pair of good-looking boots. Virgo is the perfectionist of the zodiac, so as far as school supplies go, a hefty supply of erasers and white-out are strongly advised. These students are ultra-organized, too, and will appreciate a supply of folders and labels.

Libra (Sept. 23 - October 22)

People born under the sign of the Scales look at school as an opportunity to socialize. Notebooks with eye-catching designs that inspire conversation are right up Libra's alley. This artistic sign likes to have options, so one of those pens that have three cartridges of different colored ink would be a good choice. When it comes to clothes shopping, Libra can be terribly indecisive. Do an inventory of their closet and bureau before hitting the store, and then get an even mix of tops, pants, and underclothes.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Secretive Scorpions may be reluctant to go back to school, as they abhor the spotlight. A combination lock is a must-have for Scorpio, who prizes privacy above all else. Highlighters always appeal to this sign, as they like ferreting out important information buried in textbooks. A sturdy backpack to stash all of their stuff will also come in handy. When it comes to school clothes, Scorpio prefers dark colors, hooded sweatshirts, and layered pieces -- anything that feels like a disguise.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Fun-loving Archers may moan and groan at the prospect of going back to school, but after the first day, they will adapt. Tailor Sagittarius' school supplies to reflect their interests. A map of the world and a foreign language dictionary will probably appeal to this adventurous sign, as will notebooks and book covers with animal themes. When it comes to clothes, Sag likes to keep things simple: athletic shoes, tee shirts, and jeans, but don't forget to throw in a dressier look for special occasions.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Ambitious Goats see school as an opportunity to shine. This practical sign enjoys quantifying things, so a calculator, ruler, and protractor are must-haves. When it comes to clothes, Capricorn likes to exude an air of sophistication. Tailored shirts, pleated slacks, and crisp cotton tees are Capricorn's style. Goats are suckers for status symbols, too, and may opt for a fancy iPhone or laptop as a means to make their mark. Fortunately, Capricorn is the type who enjoys financing such purchases themselves.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Tech-savvy Water-bearers like to have the most up-to-date equipment on the market. Extra storage drives, the latest tablet, and unlimited data may be Aquarius' idea of school supplies. When it comes to shopping for school clothes, Aquarians like to mix vintage with up-to-the-minute fashions; they have a special fondness for metallic fabrics. Go ahead and let this inventive character put their own original stamp on their clothes and school supplies with stencils, spray paints, and fabric markers.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Returning to school won't have dreamy Pisces jumping for joy. Help this scatterbrained sign start the school year right with a hefty supply of organizational helpers: a 3-ring binder with pocket dividers, folders, and an appointment diary are essentials. Fish are equally impractical when it comes to clothes shopping, so make sure to steer this sign toward basics like jeans, tops, and jackets that can be mixed, matched, and layered throughout the year. Their one splurge should be on a fancy pair of shoes.

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