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Health and Body Tips by Sign

Reveal the ailments your sign might face!

by Karen A Kay
yoga in space

Have you heard the word "latromathematics?" In simple terms, the word describes medical Astrology -- an ancient medical system that associates each horoscope sign with a corresponding body part. Using Astrology to diagnose or prevent medical problems is actually far easier than it sounds – and super smart to put into practice.

For example, a Gemini who knows they'll get the jitters more often because that sign rules the nerves can stave off anxiety by practicing yoga regularly. Or a Cancer can schedule breast exams more often, as that sign rules the breasts.

See? Latromathematics is just a hard word for an easy way to incorporate Astrology into a healthier lifestyle. Find out which body parts your sign rules:


(March 21 - April 19)

Bump your head much? Energetic Aries is always moving fast – sometimes too fast to watch where you're going. Your sign rules the head and face, so guard against bumps and scrapes to your noggin by always wearing a helmet while riding a bike, skiing or playing sports. Aries may find they have more headaches than other signs, too, so learn to avoid the biggest triggers like red wine or aged cheese (sorry, we know that's not fair!).


(April 20 - May 20)

Taurus gets a lot of press about needing to weight-watch for their love of food, but it's actually the neck and throat you need to watch. Sore throats and thyroid conditions may be more common for Taurus, so keep lozenges in the medicine cabinet and don't you dare let us catch you smoking!!


(May 21 - June 20)

How typically Gemini! This multi-faceted sign rules four key body parts: lungs, arms, shoulders and nerves. This means what we said about no smoking for Taurus goes double for Gemini, not only for lung health but because smoking also puts your nerves on edge. Not that anyone smokes any more these days anyway, right? (We hope). Gemini is advised to prevent anxiety and nervousness by curbing caffeine intake and participating in calming activities like yoga. Even better, get a massage which will also help keep your shoulders and arms pain-free.


(June 21 - July 22)

Earthy Cancer is known for loving comfort food, which is not surprising as your sign rules the stomach. Cancer also rules the breasts, so two key areas to monitor are 1) that you are eating foods that make you feel good and 2) getting regular breast exams. Substitute low-fat products for fatty foods when you can, and pay attention to how your digestive system works with different foods. Feel ill after eating dairy? Cut it out! And eat plenty of greens to ward off stomach and breast cancers – broccoli and cabbage are great for this.


(July 23 - Aug. 22)

Heart health is the biggest concern for Leo, which rules the heart, back and spine. This means taking care of yourself all your life by avoiding greasy foods that clog arteries, getting enough rest, not smoking (again, of course), and as a recent study shows, not working too many hours each day. Leo also might want to invest in one of those fancy mattresses to prevent back pain, and pay attention to those signs that show you how to lift heavy objects properly so you don't throw out your back.


(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Virgo rules the stomach and intestines, but it a different way than Cancer. See, Virgo is analytical and prone to worrying, so this can play out by way of an upset stomach if care is not taken to eat healthy and organic and stay physically fit. Virgo is best advised to eat right – nothing with artificial this or chemical that -- and get regular exercise, which will help with both digestion and nerves.


(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Balanced Libra rules the kidneys, lower back and ovaries, and it's important to keep the body balanced to keep those in good working order. Keeping blood sugar levels stable is essential for good health, and avoiding sugary foods will also fend off lower back pain – another common complaint. Libras may be more susceptible to troubles in the kidneys and bladder, so avoid overindulging in food and drink – except for Cranberry juice, which can help protect kidneys from stones or other harm.

Related Article: Sports by Zodiac Sign


(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Scorpio, you sexy thing. In addition to being the most mysterious horoscope sign, Scorpio is also the most passionate, so it's appropriate Scorpio rules the reproductive organs. But you know what this means, right? In addition to keeping an eye on all matters of reproductive healthy, Scorpio also needs to take more precautions against sexually transmitted diseases when off engaging in that secret sexy behavior. Also, Scorpio men should avoid drinking too much alcohol to keep, er, "things" in proper working order.


(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Fire sign Sagittarius rules the thighs and hips, and injury to these areas is common – so listen up if you're a runner or love to ride horses. Or if you have a desk job, for that matter, as sciatica pain is also common for Sag. Sagittarius is sporty, but also loves to eat – so watch for weight gain in thighs and hips, and prevent arthritis in those areas by avoiding foods in the Nightshade category, including tomatoes, potatoes or eggplant.


(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorn rules the knees, joints and bones, so take precautions if you play sports that strain those areas (basketball or running, for example). Wear protective knee supports BEFORE you get injured, and make sure you get enough calcium throughout your life to help prevent osteoporosis. Eating foods like apples, artichokes and figs will help!


(Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Inventive Aquarius rules the circulation system, which is always in high gear for this active, independent sign. This makes Aquarians prone to circulation problems like varicose veins, hypertension and heart problems, so try to address those issues before they come up. Aquarius also rules the ankles, so think twice before running in sky-high heels and always wear ankle-supporting shoes or boots when running or hiking.


(Feb. 19 - March 20)

Dreamy Pisces rules the feet and the immune system, so practice the same footwear precautions we advised Aquarius, and pay close attention to colds and respiratory problems. If anyone should be carrying around a little bottle of hand sanitizer, it's you, Pisces. And if you do fall ill to a cold, take care of yourself to prevent it from turning into something worse. Drink lots of water and eat lots of garlic, which acts as both a decongestant and anti-inflammatory agent.

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