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Leo-Virgo Cusp

The Cusp of Exposure isn't as naughty as it sounds

by Staff

This article's content is based on The Secret Language of Birthdays book by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek.

What happens when you throw a handful of Virgo earth onto a raging Leo fire? It's hard to say, isn't it? Will the earth smother the fire or will the fire push through and continue to burn? That's the question we must ask when dealing with the complicated personalities born on the Leo-Virgo cusp.

Related Article: Sun in Leo Horoscopes

If you were born between about August 19 to August 25, you were born on the Cusp of Exposure -- which isn't nearly as naughty as it sounds.

In fact, these cuspers are more likely to be found working hard, arguing their position or studying a new intellectual pursuit than they are of playing around -- but that doesn't mean they aren't any fun. They are just discriminating about where and when the fun should be had.

Related Article: Sun in Virgo Horoscopes

There's a bit of conflicting energy to these souls that arises from the Leo need for drama and attention meeting Virgo's more antisocial tendencies, so it's not uncommon for the Leo-Virgo cusper to go to one extreme or another: Loud and direct, or silent and secretive.

If these creatures of fire and earth can find a cause to pursue that they believe in with all their heart, they'll find a winning combination of passion and dedication that is sure to lead to great success.

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