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Libra-Scorpio Cusp

Which sign of passion pulls you stronger?

by Staff

This article's content is based on The Secret Language of Birthdays book by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek.

Do you have a flair for drama or wish you weren’t so critical? Both? Rest easy, it’s all just a part of the intensely awesome package for those born on the Libra/Scorpio cusp.

If you were born into this big, bright world sometime between about October 19 and October 25 -- the transition period from Libra to Scorpio -- you were born on the cusp, and you'll likely inherit some dynamic qualities from each of these two horoscope signs.

Related Article: Sun in Libra Horoscopes

Known as the Cusp of Drama and Criticism, Libra-Scorpio cuspers are ruled by two passionate planets -- Venus, which is balanced and loving; and Pluto, which rules deeply sexy Scorpio. The end result is a powerful combination of intellect, drive, flamboyance and sexuality that will wow the masses... but may prove too much for some to handle.

Ego is the word to watch. Because Libra-Scorpio cuspers have such cool judgment (Libra) and precise skill (Scorpio), these individuals have the power to realize big dreams. But their ability to accomplish such greatness can also make it easy to get carried away or adopt a "my way or the highway" attitude.

Related Article: Sun in Scorpio Horoscopes

That said, it's advised for such cuspers to explore lives and career paths that contribute their gifts to the greater good -- education, health care and social work are fields where Libra/Scorpio cuspers can put their determination and precision to great use for the benefit of all.

With the combined influence of social Libra and bold Scorpio, these individuals also tend to have big, dramatic personalities. Their intellects are highly developed and they can be quite vocal about their opinions, which may sometimes rub others the wrong way. But if they can find leadership positions where teaching or preaching is welcome, these cuspers will excel.

The greatest challenge for Libra-Scorpio cuspers is to balance the mental nature of Libra with the emotional side of Scorpio, and use their great insight, passion and strength to see their goals through to the end.

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