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Cancer Love Compatibility

Calculate the romantic potential of each zodiac sign with Cancer

by Staff

As a sensitive Cancer, your most harmonious matches are with emotional and caring Water signs like Scorpio and Pisces, because they understand you. Crabs hide in their shells from blunt or dramatic partners, preferring peaceful partners who enjoy time at home with family.


Cancer and Aries

Cancer and Aries Compatibility Cancer and Aries Compatibility Cancer and Aries Compatibility Cancer and Aries Compatibility Cancer and Aries Compatibility

You are naturally drawn toward family and nurturing home life. You will move slowly in a relationship as you fend off situations that may cause you emotional pain. You watery Crabs bruise easily, and your hard outer shell is your first line of emotional protection. A nice evening consists of a home cooked meal, a cozy fire in the fireplace, and a winter blanket to protect you and your lover from the chill of a cold night. On the other hand, your Aries lover is very individualistic and less inclined to pay attention to the soft details of life that mean so much to you.

You and your fiery Ram will have to adjust to each other in a considerate manner if you are to have a meaningful and lasting union. The impulsive independence of your partner can cause you to become even more needy and vulnerable than you usually are. Your moodiness is somewhat disturbing to your Aries, who demonstrates a more assertive approach to life, leaning less toward an interest in other people's feelings.

Unless your Mars is placed in a fire sign, the outcome of your different styles could lead to unexpressed anger, turning into resentment. It is essential for both of you to learn about the basic needs of the other and seek to integrate them into your daily routines.

Cancer and Taurus

Cancer and Taurus Compatibility Cancer and Taurus Compatibility Cancer and Taurus Compatibility Cancer and Taurus Compatibility Cancer and Taurus Compatibility

You are a "home alone" kind of person, and with sensual and earthy Taurus, not only do you get along, but you are likely to enjoy staying "home alone" together. Your Taurus is like Ferdinand the Bull. He or she loves to graze in the fields of your emotionally rich and private world, nibbling at all the goodies you lovingly prepare in your kitchen. Taurus, also a good cook, adores home-baked breads, cookies, and muffins.

The two of you nest well together and can get so cozy and happy in the confines of your own home that you just may need some coaxing from friends and family to get you out to join in social events.

If either or both of you have the Moon in a fire sign, you may be more inclined to do things uninvited. No matter what sign your Moons are in, you two can create a pleasant home together that has an inviting and comfortable flair. The stable and well-grounded Taurus has an easy time adjusting to your varying moods and can provide a safe foundation for the ebb and flow of your emotional tides.

Cancer and Gemini

Cancer and Gemini Compatibility Cancer and Gemini Compatibility Cancer and Gemini Compatibility Cancer and Gemini Compatibility Cancer and Gemini Compatibility

You are a water sign, which emphasizes the emotional side of life. Gemini is an air sign, which activates the intellectual and mental aspects of reality. When you meet up with a Gemini, it is imperative that you understand the difference between the two of you. First and foremost, you'll need to accept that your lover's words and language may not always soothe the wound of your broken heart or hurt feelings. Unfortunately, your preferred nonverbal approach doesn't always reach your Gemini. You'll need to learn that for your Gemini partner, words carry as much meaning as a hug does for you. Your mate will need the courage to move past the verbal level and sink down into the emotional realms.

On the other side of it, you're going to learn about the power of language, unless your Mercury or Venus is in Gemini, in which case you'll be quite comfortable in these mental realms. Sometimes Gemini just needs to hear the right words. You must be willing to try to understand the rational side of your mood swings and your frequently unpredictable emotions. If you can, you'll have a good chance of developing a long-term romance here. Differences of style don't have to constrain a relationship. Learn to respect the light and breezy side of your restless Gemini mate, and this relationship has a good chance for survival.

Cancer and Cancer

Cancer and Cancer Compatibility Cancer and Cancer Compatibility Cancer and Cancer Compatibility Cancer and Cancer Compatibility Cancer and Cancer Compatibility

Cancer is Latin for "Crab." You watery Crabs are highly emotional, ruled by the changeable Moon. You tend to be nurturing, caring, and affectionate when in love. Regardless of your sex, you have a maternal instinct that offers love and shelter to those you love. Most Cancers focus on family, home, and children, and may even have a career that includes this type of service.

When two Crabs unite, you will be attuned to each other's emotional currents with your hypersensitive awareness. You may not be accustomed to getting your own needs met, so it will be odd to have someone mirroring the same kind of devotion back to you and caring for you in the loving way that you care for others. In some ways, this can prove to be challenging. You long for this comfort, but you cannot easily accept it.

You will have a very homey and somewhat traditional house with plenty of blankets, tissues (for tears) and cozy furniture. You will love to snuggle and be physically and emotionally close. You'll make good parents, but can be overprotective with each other and your kids. You may need some coaxing to get you out of the house and go on adventures, unless the placement of your Moon or Mars indicates otherwise.

Cancer and Leo

Cancer and Leo Compatibility Cancer and Leo Compatibility Cancer and Leo Compatibility Cancer and Leo Compatibility Cancer and Leo Compatibility

You are emotional, sensitive and caring, and are very attracted to the radiant glow of the outgoing sunny Leo, even though the two of you are like night and day. The bright light of your Leo serves as a beacon of joy and love to you, who, in contrast, can feel shy, withdrawn and much less outgoing than Leo. Don't be misled, however, by the outer exterior of your Lion's roar and powerful charisma, for deep inside, he or she is a tender pussycat who just wants to be scratched and petted by you. Leos, too, are quite vulnerable and cautious in love, even if that's not what appears on the surface.

You have a way of understanding the needs of others in an extraordinary way, and thus, your Leo is allowed to go about his or her activities with a solid sense of security and love. If, however, you have your Moon or Mars in Scorpio, issues of jealousy may throw a monkey wrench into the works. Your Lion needs to feel adored and you know how to make someone be the center of your attention.

Your deep emotional waters do not put out the flame of fire sign Leo. Instead, you are a sweet mist and a refreshing coolant to the passionate ways of the intense Leo. This can be highly compatible duo and given the opportunity, child-rearing together could be quite delightful. A lifelong union is possible if your Lion remembers not to hurt you with his or her roar.

Cancer and Virgo

Cancer and Virgo Compatibility Cancer and Virgo Compatibility Cancer and Virgo Compatibility Cancer and Virgo Compatibility Cancer and Virgo Compatibility

You make a very respectable pair. You are loyal, caring, and sensitive to the self-demanding and self-critical Virgo. Your soft and pliable ways offer a deeply soothing and reflective terrain for the busy Virgo mind. You have what it takes to coax your analytical Virgo out of their brain and into the cave of their heart. Your Virgo finds solace and sweetness here, and, in a surprising way, can be enticed to let down his or her guard. You make it safe for your partner to be less picky and judgmental than normal, allowing for a productive union to occur.

The two of you together can create a wonderful kitchen, work environment and home setting that is well-organized and lovingly arranged. For example, your kitchen might contain glass jars and containers, each labeled and arranged in perfect order. And then, there's the stack of mom's old-fashioned cookbooks. However, amongst all this apparent Virgo perfection, you will find ways to cook up plenty of homemade soups, cookies, and breads.

This can be a very nice union, but the position of Venus and Mars in your chart will be the determining factor as to whether you are compatible or not. Virgo's earthiness is appealing to your need for security, and this union can be successful if he or she isn't too critical of your ways.

Cancer and Libra

Cancer and Libra Compatibility Cancer and Libra Compatibility Cancer and Libra Compatibility Cancer and Libra Compatibility Cancer and Libra Compatibility

You are very attracted to the refined beauty of the Libra personality and may fling yourself into the life of the aesthetic, Venus-ruled Libra without your usual caution and reserve. You act through feeling and gut instinct, not complex thought and lofty ideals. Libra, on the other hand, acts through high standards of intellect and choreographed life planning. In this way, you and your Libra lover are very different.

Even though you worry about it, you tend to make up your mind and then try to hold to your plan. Libra has a difficult time with this and vacillates while seeking to balance each decision with discernible truth and harmony. You are a water sign and live by your feelings. Your deep sincerity and need for tender support may find your Libra partner, in the long haul, to be dry and emotionally unavailable, unless the Moon in your chart is in an air sign.

Even with other planetary placements that add to your compatibility, there is an underlying tension based upon differing styles of living. Your Libra lover can become disapproving of your whimsical moods and your emotional displays of affection. The chord of harmony you will need to pluck is based on unconditional love and humor, and with that in mind, you can make a lovely home together.

Cancer and Scorpio

Cancer and Scorpio Compatibility Cancer and Scorpio Compatibility Cancer and Scorpio Compatibility Cancer and Scorpio Compatibility Cancer and Scorpio Compatibility

This can be a match made in heaven. Both you and your Scorpio lover are water signs who can swim through the emotional depths of a relationship like enchanted water nymphs. You move in rhythm with the changing tides of feelings like the tides of the ocean. You can be moody-with more ups and downs displayed in daily life than your Scorpio mate. Scorpio's waters run deep and although there may be less turmoil on the exterior, there are powerful and intense passions stewing beneath the surface.

There is great integrity between the two of you because you each desire deep and meaningful communication that goes beyond words. Depending upon a harmonious placement of your Venus and Mars, this relationship can unlock deep sexual responses within you.

You understand the transformative cycles of change that water the seeds of human existence. You create a fertile ground for your Scorpio lover, but you'll need to be careful not to drown in the depths of your mutual feelings, for this is not a light-hearted fling. You each are able to foster and nurture the need for emotional rejuvenation within the other. Here is a relationship based on mutual respect that touches you to the core.

Cancer and Sagittarius

Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility

Your passive and sensitive demeanor may be agitated by the restless and expansive nature of Sagittarius, who often looks to participate in new adventures far away from home. And, of course, you Crabs would rather not leave the comforts of your own cave. In this relationship, you can provide the secure home base for the goal-oriented archer. Your partner can appreciate the loving environment you offer. Don't, however, expect him or her to hang their coat and hat for too long. Sagittarius needs the freedom to come and go on journeys-whether in the outer world or in the realm of philosophy and ideas.

You will be offered the opportunity to do more and to become more of a traveler. On the other side of it, your lover can learn virtues regarding stability, security, and emotional honesty. This isn't an easy union, and will require a high level of compromise unless your Moon is in a fire sign or air sign.

If you can find a way to allow for your differences in lifestyle, you can share in interests that involve global networking, foreign travel (or even making a home abroad) and exotic cooking. You'll need to spice up your life to fit your optimistic mate's bill of standards. And he or she will need to pull in their reigns, create a workable strategy in regard to domestic issues and be willing to take the time needed to coax you out of your shell.

Cancer and Capricorn

Cancer and Capricorn Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn Compatibility Cancer and Capricorn Compatibility

You are more sensitive to the needs of others and care more deeply about the emotional health of the community, family and friends than any other sign. Accordingly, it is more difficult for you to express your own needs. Sometimes you can feel as if others are not as attentive to your moods and feelings as you are to theirs. Capricorn is the exact opposite sun sign from Cancer and they are not known to show emotions and feelings easily. They are practical people who would rather not reveal their vulnerability to the world.

There will be plenty of opportunities for both of you to explore each other's traits. Your own emotional well-being will depend upon your ability to communicate your feelings with integrity. Your Capricorn lover must learn to pay attention to your mood swings in order to gain your trust and develop intimacy. Otherwise, you'll retreat by suppressing your feelings-and rather than expressing your pain, you'll grow resentful. Obviously this is not a formula for a successful relationship.

Your compatibility depends upon your acceptance of your lover's practical and cautious nature. You may not be able to get the constant attention and feedback you crave, especially if your Moon or Mars is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces). If you can maintain emotional balance, you will learn much about the outer world from your Capricorn partner. Opposites attract for a reason and this relationship offers potential for growth and self-realization.

Cancer and Aquarius

Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility

You can be quite traditional and sentimental regarding your personal memories and past. Whether your own past was traumatic or joyous, you will still have a keen awareness of your roots and family origin. Your challenge may involve a need to find balance as you let go of your own personal history so you can live more in the reality of your present-day life.

Aquarius, by contrast, easily lets go of feelings from the past and moves steadily toward a path of individuality and eccentricity. Your Aquarius lover is attached to the future while you are attached to the past-unless the Moon or Mars in your chart is in a fire sign. Your partner has broad and expansive ideals, and is often more aware of global and community needs than personal ones.

Obviously, you both need to make significant adjustments to accommodate your very different approaches to life. If you can trust enough to offer your partner independence, then you can both be happy in this relationship. Your Aquarius lover, however, must adjust to your emotional needs, so you can provide nurturing and support. In turn, he or she can assist you in the process of letting go of your past, freeing you to enjoy the freedom of new experiences.

Cancer and Pisces

Cancer and Pisces Compatibility Cancer and Pisces Compatibility Cancer and Pisces Compatibility Cancer and Pisces Compatibility Cancer and Pisces Compatibility

You and Pisces are like two peas in a pod and can live together in a garden of eternal happiness. You Crabs plunge right into the deep waters of emotion and feeling with ease and grace. Your fishy friend swims the currents of the soul with sensitive awareness and compassion. The two of you share an intimate link that transcends the boundaries of the intellect. It seems like you don't even need words. You understand each other deeply.

In a way you are zodiac cousins, for the Crab and the Fish live in the same watery world. Your intuitive lover is tuned into your changing moods and your emotional needs. Meanwhile, you are acutely aware of the existential pain and suffering residing within your sometimes confused partner. If, however, your Venus is in Gemini, as it is for many Cancers, you may not be as understanding of your spiritual lover. In this case you may see their compassion as weakness rather than strength.

Even with a compatible Venus, one problem you might face in this relationship is that when things get tough, you tend to withdraw. Your tendency to hold back when talking about your feelings allows for misunderstandings to easily arise. You absolutely must communicate your feelings or the relationship may be doomed to shipwreck on the rocks. Get past your fears and together you will ebb and flow in the emotional waters of life's pleasure and pain with forgiveness and joy.

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