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Capricorn Love Compatibility

Calculate the romantic potential of each zodiac sign with Capricorn

by Staff

As an earthy, hard-working Capricorn with a safe approach to life, your best match will appreciate your strong sense of duty and practical ways. You'll find mutual understanding with steadfast Taurus and Virgo, while Fire signs are far too reckless to suit your traditional tastes.


Capricorn and Aries

Capricorn and Aries Compatibility Capricorn and Aries Compatibility Capricorn and Aries Compatibility Capricorn and Aries Compatibility Capricorn and Aries Compatibility

You are cautious, responsible and serious. Typically, you are not overly emotional, tending to hold back your feelings. You are practical, preferring traditional and conservative friends and family circles. In a relationship, you are the stable one, willing to work on making it last.

Being in a relationship with a fiery Aries can be unnerving as they are often very impulsive and will jump right into a job, creative project or relationship without thinking it through first. You, on the other hand, will make a plan, build your foundation and then execute your plan accordingly. The haste of Aries' endeavors may cause them to lose sight of the finer details that lead to completion.

In fact, you'll probably feel like you are playing a parental role to your excitable Aries lover, who could seem annoyingly childlike in demeanor, especially when they don't finish what they started.

If, however, you have the Moon or Mars in a fire sign, you'll be ready to jump in and help, rather than scolding them. Eventually your fiery Aries lover may feel regularly thwarted by your stern eye.

At the same time, you tire of feeling like you need to watch after your Aries, for it seems like your sensible supervision keeps them out of trouble. But in love and marriage, your practical maturity can, in fact, help your Aries mate take responsibility more seriously. And you have much to gain as he or she can spark up the boring routines in your world.

This match works as long as you are willing to let go of control issues, thereby allowing your independent partner enough room to feel like there is a balance of power.

Capricorn and Taurus

Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility

On the surface, this seems like the proverbial "match made in heaven." When you meet up with a Taurus, you find someone who is also concerned with practical down-to-earth matters, although there are also differences. You see life as a mountain and strive to overcome any obstacles that may prevent you from reaching the summit. You build your life on the premise that integrity and hard work ultimately create success.

Your Taurus lover may be as determined as you to succeed, but success for them is not about reaching the top. It is having material security. While your partner may want to spend money on nice furniture, art, linens, music, food and other creature comforts, you choose to be financially frugal and conservative when it comes to purchasing. You worry about your stability and would rather do with less when the sun is shining in order to be ready for a rainy day.

Still, Taurus is a suitable partner for you, and shares your values related to quality of life. However, while your sign is associated with austere Saturn, your Taurus partner is more connected with Venus, the planet of sensual enjoyment. If, however, Venus in your chart is in fiery Sagittarius or eclectic Aquarius, you may also appreciate spending money on material possessions.

Since you probably prefer to be in the company of astute and financially stable friends, you may be able to incorporate the spending habits of your Taurus mate as long as he or she helps to create an environment that you approve of and admire. Romantically, you both can have strong sexual needs, and although somewhat conservative, can be extremely expressive. You both adore the steadfast tradition of old buildings, stone, brick, or solid houses set in natural surroundings, and long lasting virtues-and this becomes a metaphor for what you seek within this stable relationship.

Capricorn and Gemini

Capricorn and Gemini Compatibility Capricorn and Gemini Compatibility Capricorn and Gemini Compatibility Capricorn and Gemini Compatibility Capricorn and Gemini Compatibility

You are cautious in communication and usually choose your words with care and consideration. You Goats can be closed and conservative, especially in the early stages of a relationship, with little desire to expose your emotional vulnerability.

Geminis, on the other hand, are associated, or ruled by, the communication planet Mercury, and tend to be very talkative and spontaneous with their words and ideas. They do have a tendency to be rational and mental in their approach to life-making them more attuned to your ways.

But the differences in your day-to-day communication patterns can be too much to overcome to make this relationship work, unless your chart has the Moon or Mars in an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius). Even with an airy Moon or Mars, you tend to be methodical and slow to share internal thoughts, while your partner seems to be clever, mentally quick and carefree enough to speak aloud many visions and ideas.

Allow for these basic differences, and by honoring the speaking skills of your Gemini, he or she can open wide your doors of communication, paving a path to deeper meaning from interpersonal relationships and increased self-awareness. Meanwhile, your partner can benefit from the stability and security that you bring to the team.

If your noisy Gemini lover can learn how to tone down some of the chatter when your need quiet space, this can be a workable union.

Capricorn and Cancer

Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility

When two of the twelve astrological signs are opposite one another on the zodiacal wheel, they act like mirrors, each reflecting traits and attributes that the other sign needs. Opposites attract and it is not uncommon to find many couples who share sign oppositions.

You tend to be conservative with your emotions, which can make you seem stern or strict. You are of a hard-working breed, which prefers to be in the company of intelligent, well-informed individuals who carry respect and status.

You meet up with a Cancer, who is wired with an emotional constitution that is caring, nurturing, warm, and sensitive. You seem so different from each other. You are drawn to the outer world of career and success. He or she is drawn to the inner worlds of home and family.

Together, you can make quite a team, covering both ends of the spectrum. Your lover may be quite changeable in the rhythm of daily moods and can display emotions more overtly than most signs.

Additionally, if you have the Moon, Venus or Mars in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), you'll be more able to meet your hard-shelled Crab in a softer and more vulnerable manner.

Together you'll both need to adjust to each other with delicate candor and awareness. You stand to learn the virtues of the feeling world, and can find a genuine way to incorporate your emotions into the structure of family, friends and work. Your emotionally attuned lover can learn the value of objectivity and become skillful at monitoring his or her moodiness so as not to overwhelm you with trivial insecurities.

This is a powerful common match-up, offering plenty of growing room for both of you individually and together as a team.

Capricorn and Leo

Capricorn and Leo Compatibility Capricorn and Leo Compatibility Capricorn and Leo Compatibility Capricorn and Leo Compatibility Capricorn and Leo Compatibility

You are practical and hard working with little interest in frivolous fanfare. You are motivated to do your work, accomplish the tasks at hand, and earn a living in order to secure your position for future gain.

When you meet Leos, you are inclined to question the ways they draw attention to themselves. They can seem to be overly dramatic, showy and outwardly too expressive for your reserved tastes. The Leo's attitude can build barriers between you, for Leo needs and wants love that is tangible, demonstrative, and personal. You may lose patience with your Lion's need for what seems like nearly constant approval and admiration.

In the beginning of this union, your Leo lover may generously give affection and gifts to you, hoping for reciprocation and love in return. Later, as the relationship advances beyond the romantic stage, your Lion has been wounded by your lack of fiery romantic demonstration, and may pull away and sulk. He or she will need to come to grips with the fact that you are practical and levelheaded, and may not respond with the adoration your Leo had wanted.

If you have Mars in a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) or if your Mercury is in Sagittarius, your chances for happiness with a Leo are greatly improved.

If this relationship has a destiny, both of you must strive to be self-aware. Because of your differences in life styles, you will each need to give freely, even eagerly, to the other without expectation or demands.

Capricorn and Virgo

Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility

When two earth signs hook up, there is an immediate and basic similarity in the way you value things that are real, including your jobs, financial responsibilities and basic needs such as food and shelter. You are hard working and remain committed and devoted to a task until it's finished. You cherish quality, honesty, and order.

These attitudes toward life are compatible with your Virgo partner, who may be more service-oriented than you, but is also responsible, dutiful and efficient. Together, you may enjoy studying, collecting or gardening, and may share a fondness of nature and the outdoors.

You enjoy achieving the goals you set out to attain, especially when you need to work hard to fulfill your dream. Your Virgo partner is a consistent worker, who may not have your managerial skills, but who can attend to the details of a high profile job or running a household.

In a partnership, your Virgo can assist you greatly. If, however, the Moon or Mars in your chart is in Gemini or Pisces, you may find that you sometimes are working at cross-purposes.

Alone, your mate is efficient and stable, but when coupled with you, mountains will be moved as you pave your road into the future with logic and hard work. Together, you make a home that works, and that has a sense of practical efficiency reflecting the nature of your mutual love.

Capricorn and Libra

Capricorn and Libra Compatibility Capricorn and Libra Compatibility Capricorn and Libra Compatibility Capricorn and Libra Compatibility Capricorn and Libra Compatibility

You build your dreams on the solid foundations of integrity and hard work. With practical intentions and steady pursuit, you can do just about anything you put your mind to. Your key planet is Saturn, symbolizing discipline and responsibility. In fact, unless you have the Moon or Mars in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), you may seem overly serious, unemotional or cold.

Others can count on you for just about everything. Your weak point, however, is in the expressive realm, since you may not be demonstrative with your inner feelings and affections. All this adds up to a bit of a problem when you meet up with a Libra, whose ruling planet is Venus.

We're talking love, harmony, artistic expression and relationship orientation. He or she may feel stifled or restricted with your quiet reserve. Libra's artistic nature and flowing grace typically seeks a companion who is fair and just, and who can serve as a mirror to them in life. To your Libra mate, a life without sensitive sharing and beauty is particularly flawed.

The two of you are philosophically different and may have a difficult time finding the course of action that will suit one another's character. If, however, you have Venus in Aquarius or the Moon in any air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), your compatibility is greatly increased.

With shared values and mutual interests, you can be a welcome anchor for your flighty Libra who is often tossed about in the winds of change. You can assist him or her in assembling a foundation of productivity and creative success, while your life is enriched by a new appreciation of the power of love and the enjoyment of art, music and romantic partnership.

Capricorn and Scorpio

Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility

You tend to hold in your emotions and may not be keen on disclosing your personal thoughts. Therefore, you naturally respect the personal privacy needs of those around you and tend to function best when secure boundaries are defined in your life.

Scorpios can have the integrity and honesty you seek, even if they seem secretive at times. They will tell the truth, but often not unless you ask. You can work and love well with a Scorpio, for they also keep their thoughts and feelings private, often preferring the quiet sanctuary of their own mind.

Your Scorpio lover is intense and passionate, maybe more than you've bargained for, but he or she has a powerful sensuality that you find pleasing. Although you may not be inclined to display outward modes of affection, your sex drive can be quite strong and in Scorpio you've found someone who can go the distance with you.

If however, your Venus is in physically detached Aquarius, problems may surface in this area. A water sign Moon in your birth chart will increase long term compatibility.

The two of you should have a trustworthy union-drawing strong people to you as friends and associates. You'll work well together in any endeavor as both of you are tenacious and highly focused when it comes to achieving your individual or mutual goals. You may create a deeply passionate relationship that gives you each what you need, while at the same time creating a stable home for you and your family.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility

You are business oriented and know how to make the most out of any situation. You can read into the spoken word with an uncanny knowledge of what makes people tick. You may have an inner philosophy and spirituality that can be overlooked by others. You are wise and enduring in work and can be a rare friend once trust has been established.

Although you are quite different on many accounts, you can get along well with Sagittarius, primarily because you share an innate philosophy about life that governs you both from the inside. The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, symbolizing a prophet or sage type of person who shares ideas and visions with an open and objective style.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is more conservative, astute and father-time like-wise, discriminating, and authoritative. You are serious and tend toward realism, even pessimism at times. The archer is enthusiastic and inspirational, tending toward optimism, even denial of difficulty at times.

You'll find your Sagittarius mate to be annoyingly restless and "always on the go" as they seek adventure. He or she may find you restrictive as you hold back your excitement or approval.

If, however, you have the Moon or Mars in a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius), chances for compatibility is increased and you will be more inclined to go along with their active plans.

In friendship and love, your Sagittarius partner can brighten up your days and nights while you lend solid ground from which the two of you may thrive.

Capricorn and Capricorn

Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility

When two of the same signs meet, there can be immediate chemistry and familiarity-for you both have similar natures. Each of you, however, funnels the basic Capricorn qualities in a different manner. The undercurrents of your demeanor, however, are familiar to each other and this can be a reassuring place from which to begin a relationship.

You probably share a fundamental appreciation for one another's organizational capabilities and you respect each other's responsible manner of living. You tend to be a controlling type, often portraying a "take charge" kind of personality. You may not appear to be overt and outwardly aggressive, but inwardly you are stern and, more often than not, clear about your boundaries of authority and power.

Put two of you together in the same home or same bed, and you're going to need to find a manageable balance of power, taking turns to give and take as a way of sharing the lead. You may need to find ways to bring good humor into your relationship so as to elevate some of the burden you both carry. You'll also need to incorporate play into your everyday life.

In this relationship, the placement of the Moon, Venus and Mars can make or break compatibility. If you share air sign placements, you will tend to be more light-hearted and talk about your situations as a way of dissipating the heaviness. If these planets are in fire signs, you'll probably move into action and work through your fears instead of talking about them.

Capricorns are usually stellar parents, teachers, public leaders, and make good coaches and guides. Together, you will create a stable home that is ordered and managed with discipline and love.

Capricorn and Aquarius

Capricorn and Aquarius Compatibility Capricorn and Aquarius Compatibility Capricorn and Aquarius Compatibility Capricorn and Aquarius Compatibility Capricorn and Aquarius Compatibility

You are quite conservative, even traditional about finances, home security, and work. Sometimes you need a nudge from an outside source to free you from some of the restraints of your personal expectations of yourself and others. When you hook up with a freely thinking Aquarius individual who may be eccentric, independent, and original in their style of living, you are in for a surprise.

Your Aquarius lover can be rebellious and radical-and is not intimidated by the confines of rules and regulations. You, on the other hand live within the bounds of the law and expect others to do the same. But your out-of-the-box Aquarius partner presents a convincing case for some rule-bending. They have an urge to pave a liberated path into the future, and you are intrigued by the prospects of taking that road with them.

It certainly would help if the Moon in your chart is in an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius). Better yet, with your Mercury or Venus in Aquarius, you will easily accept the brilliance of your unrestrained mate.

No matter what, your view of the world is about to be expanded and changed as you are drawn into a new way of looking at your life. You may need to rearrange your old way of thinking and "let go" of tried and true concepts that have worked for you. You'll need to be willing to adapt to new ideas if you are to be compatible with a typical Aquarius partner. On the other side of it, your lover must respect your boundaries and agree to adhere to some of the traditional values you so deeply cherish.

Together, you can be good friends, although your ways may never quite come together. Nonetheless, you can be very good friends, even long-term lovers as you create a stable and mature relationship based upon freedom and mutual respect.

Capricorn and Pisces

Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility

Your efficient and responsible character gives others the message that you can carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, never needing assistance. Indeed, you may be a mighty goat, however, all too often you come to resent the role of authority you've agreed to play in the lives of those you love. Down the road, you may feel martyred, aware of how much you do for others with so little appreciation. This is a trap and you need to avoid this scenario like the plague. You are better off when you learn to surrender and to flow with the rhythms of the people around you.

Now, into your life comes a soft, sensitive and compassionate Pisces partner, who melts your hard edges and invites you into their inner labyrinth of magic and enchantment. Do you have the courage to leave the real world behind? Is the spiritual and creative world of your Pisces love any less real than yours?

You can be absolutely captivated by the sheer elegance and magnetism of the Pisces fish, who brings the power of love into the hearts of humanity-into your heart-with gentle care and compassion. This relationship has great potential, especially if you can each get past your own self-limiting judgments.

Compatibility is good to start, but even gets better if Venus in your chart is in Scorpio or Pisces, or if the Moon is in any water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces).

Your Pisces lover will need learn how to appreciate your order and focus, which will be easier if you do not harshly judge him or her for their lack of practicality. If you can harmonize your authoritative personality with the dreamy and imaginative character of your Pisces mate, you can enjoy a lifetime of love and romance.

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