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Feng Shui For Good Luck

Attract good fortune using the ancient art of Feng Shui

by Stephanie Dempsey
luck feng shui

Who couldn't use an extra dose of luck? Feng Shui practitioners have perfected many techniques for attracting good fortune, and the more of these tips you implement, the easier it will be to attract love, money and radiant health. Give them a try and see!

Plant a lucky seed

Thriving plants represent growth. If you'd like to expand your good fortune, place a healthy plant in the far left corner of your home, and then seal the deal by placing three shiny coins beneath the pot. There's no better way to boost your financial luck. Housing your plant in a blue pot will cultivate your fortune even further.

Related Article: Pet Feng Shui: Top 10 Tips

Reach for the sky

Tall, columnar shapes lift your spirits, thanks to their ability to draw energy upward. If you feel pessimistic about your prospects, place some tall bookcases, vertical artwork, and high-backed chairs throughout your living space. Displaying your paintings a little higher than eye level can also improve your fortune.

How green is your valley?

Feng Shui practitioners have often associated the color green with luck, because it represents upward movement. If you want to reach your full potential, surround yourself with this lucky color. Use pale green to make a fresh start, leaf green to continue moving in a good direction, and dark green to bring projects to maturity.

Knock on wood

Items made of wood can attract good fortune. That's because they embody nature's growth potential. Replacing synthetic materials and metals with wood can make a tremendous difference to your prospects. Even the addition of bamboo window shades, reed rugs, and wicker chairs can increase your luck.

Win stars for stripes

Striped patterns are lucky because they move energy along smoothly and efficiently. Vertical stripes are particularly auspicious because they connect heaven and earth. The next time you need an added dose of luck, wear a striped sweater or scarf. Even a pair of corduroy pants can do the trick!

Related Article: 7 Ways to Reverse Bad Karma

Three coins in a fountain

Fountains are one of the favorite tools of Feng Shui practitioners to get luck flowing. Placing a fountain near the front entrance of your home can be especially helpful in promoting career luck. Make sure the water in your fountain is always fresh and plentiful. If your fountain runs dry, your luck will behave accordingly. For an extra boost of luck, place three shiny coins in the fountain, but not under it.

Go fish

The gentle, undulating movement of goldfish can stimulate your luck. Ideally, your aquarium should sit in one of three places: the front entrance, the far left corner, or the center portion of the left side of your home. Placing eight black fish and one gold fish in the tank can promote great happiness and well-being. This is a particularly powerful cure if you're having difficulty pursuing your life path.

Find a house guardian

If you're experiencing an unusual run of bad luck, choose a house guardian. A house guardian is a statue that sits just outside your entrance. Your guardian shouldn't block your entrance. Rather, it should be angled slightly to the right or left of your front door. Choose a statue that has deep personal meaning for you. Dragons afford physical protection, tortoises fend off career upsets, frogs shield your wealth, cats defend against emotional upheavals, and dogs ward off enemies.

Help luck find you

In the event luck has been elusive, check to see if your front entrance is well illuminated from the street. If it isn't, fortune may have difficulty finding you. Install a bright light over your door, and make sure it is in good working order.

The sweet smell of success

Fresh, green scents like grass, basil, and cucumber can lift your spirits and make you more aware of the opportunities around you. Integrate these scents into your home with soaps, candles, and aromatherapy oils.

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