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Long Distance Relationship Tips

Use your zodiac sign to keep love alive

by Staff

Long distance relationships can be love's worst enemy. Couples may be forced apart by job opportunities in separate cities, family obligations, or unforseen circumstances that make temporary separations a necessary evil. But they don't necessarily have to be a struggle.

With enough trust, communication, and hard work, couples can learn to make their romance thrive in spite of the miles between them. See below how you can use your zodiac sign's strengths to make your long distance relationship work!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

You love a challenge ... so at first, you were probably fired up about your long distance relationship, in a good way. Actually putting forth the required effort, though, is a different story. Your goal is to battle Aries' tendency to abandon everything you start, so watch out for distracting people and activities that will pull you away from your committed love.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You're great at keep romance alive, and you have a natural talent for treating your loved one to mutual, sensual pleasures. When you aren't together, keep up those pleasures by sending your lover meaningful surprises, such as a scented candle that has romantic symbolism for you both.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Because you're always up for a conversation, communicating long distance is easy for you. Make sure you use your phone time wisely. Rather than making jokes or small talk, keep your lover informed of important events and your deeper feelings. The best way to build trust is to be authentic.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You may find yourself arguing in favor of your lover making the trip to see you over and over again, but it's time to be fair. Split the air-travel stress by alternating locations for visits. Or, spice things up somewhere new by meeting halfway. When packing, resist your urge to take every single creature comfort. Instead, encourage your partner to incorporate what you like into his or her home.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

When phone calls and texts are your only means of communication, you can't rely on your smile and charm like you can in face-to-face interactions. Choose your words carefully so your partner doesn't misinterpret your tone over the phone, or set up a quick Facetime. Just save the difficult, heavy conversations for when you are together in person.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

You really love to plan, so use your organizational skills to create a long-range plan for your relationship. Agree on how long you can live apart. Discuss the possibility of relocating and set a practical timeline. Re-evaluate your plans from time to time and remember to stay flexible, as hard as that may be.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Distance can really take its toll on you, Libra -- the most partnership-oriented of all zodiac signs. Let your partner know what your relationship expectations are and how much of a commitment you are willing to make. If she or he is thinking something different, use your negotiating skills to find a middle ground that works for both of you. Build intimacy by taking initiative and being up-front.

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Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

All long distance couples miss the physical intimacy other couples take for granted. Obviously you can't reach across the miles for a make-out session every day, but you can use your webcam or smart phone. Use your sultriness to treat your lover to a sexy cyber striptease or a little photographic eye candy.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Pursue a common interest to stay connected even when you're apart. Study the same foreign language and practice by sending each other messages. Plan a vacation where you can use your new skills to test your fluency. Common interests create a good conversation piece and put you on the same page to give your relationship a boost from afar.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Indulge your nostalgic side by planning events based on shared memories. When visiting each other, return to old romantic places for a relationship recharge. Create photo albums and scrapbooks you can look at together, and keep a copy at both of your residences.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

You may actually appreciate the distance, because it allows you to maintain your individuality -- something that can get lost when couples spend too much time together. Be careful, however, that you don't distance yourself emotionally and losing your relationship altogether.

Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20)

You love to escape from reality and get creative. Invite your partner to join you by playing an online fantasy game. When you're able to meet up for real, create a dreamy setting and continue your fantasy play in person. It could add just the spark you need.

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