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Sagittarius Love Compatibility

Calculate the romantic potential of each zodiac sign with Sagittarius

by Staff

As an optimistic and adventurous Sagittarius, you require a partner who understands your need to roam free. You'll have the most fun with equally upbeat and independent Fire signs Aries and Leo, but your freedom will be threatened by cautious types who can't keep up.


Sagittarius and Aries

Sagittarius and Aries Compatibility Sagittarius and Aries Compatibility Sagittarius and Aries Compatibility Sagittarius and Aries Compatibility Sagittarius and Aries Compatibility

You project optimism and are attracted to the big picture with your larger-than-life ambitions. Usually you are friendly, humorous and even inspirational at times. You can persuade others to act decisively as you are very good at devising a plan and creating a positive vision for the future. You seem to be lucky and can often meet the end result with success and good timing.

All this adds up to you being a great match for the pioneering Aries individual who, with good cheer and amicable intention, will sometimes lose interest in a project half way through. They benefit from your goal-orientation, for you can see a project through to the very end. But you get some goodies from your Aries lover, too, for he or she can motivate you to get going.

Together you two fire signs can pave a path of inspiration and creativity. You are both action oriented and will engage in all kinds of activities together, including travel, socializing and sports...anything that is a good time.

Although you get along well with each other, you are both so independent that you may not be willing to commit to a long term relationship, unless you have the Moon or Mars in an earth sign or a water sign.

Although you like adventure, your Aries lover may need higher levels of excitement than you'd like. Aries can annoy you with their in-your-face attitude when they want things their way. Even so, you find a playmate and a partner in your Aries mate and if you can keep your feet on the ground, you'll make a joyous couple.

Sagittarius and Taurus

Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility

You want to dream up a plan of action that has far-reaching goals and ideals and then use that plan as a blueprint for the adventure that others call life. You are restless, with a strong yearning for faraway places and new ideas. As such, you may love to travel-in the real world or in your mind. Often, you Sagittarius individuals are able to discover a fulfilling career in a field that allows you movement and versatility.

Although your stable and loyal Taurus makes a good companion, there are significant differences of style between you. You are not satisfied with the status quo. Your Taurus lover likes things the way they are, especially when comfortable. Taurus will provide you with practical advice, good judgment and rewarding friendship.

You, on the other hand, can help your sometimes lazy Bull move into action and become more interested in social affairs. On the romantic side of things, you may be more athletic when compared to your partner's simple sensual indulgence.

If you have the Moon or Mars in an earth sign or water sign, you'll find it easier to get along with your Taurus lover, for you'll be more comfortable in the realm of the senses, where he or she likes to hang out. Regardless of other planetary indicators, this relationship can create a solid foundation from for you.

Get past your resistance to becoming more stable and together you can make a good team and create a solid love life.

Sagittarius and Gemini

Sagittarius and Gemini Compatibility Sagittarius and Gemini Compatibility Sagittarius and Gemini Compatibility Sagittarius and Gemini Compatibility Sagittarius and Gemini Compatibility

Opposites sometimes do attract and you and your Gemini lover are opposite each other in the zodiac circle. Both of you emphasize communication, education and all types learning pursuits. You both prefer to be active, versatile, and spontaneous.

You, however, have a wider reach in your vision and loftier goals than your Gemini lover who stays closer to home, both mentally and physically. Your exalted vision and global perspective expands into cultures far and wide, and you probably have airline mileage to prove it. You partner's travel, however, is more inclined to be more like commuting on a day-to-day basis within the structure of their everyday life.

Gemini is interested in information in the immediate neighborhood and interactive encounters with people on an everyday basis, where you are attracted toward big-thinking philosophies and developing long-range plans. You may discover that your partner gets on your nerves because they always seem to be talking, even when they have nothing important to say.

If, however, you have Venus or Mars in an air sign, you'll be less judgmental of Gemini's tendency to waste energy in endless communication.

Ultimately, your fire mixes well with your partner's air. You each add a perspective that the other lacks. You make a great work or play team, but you can be a little scattered, so it is necessary for at least one of you to maintain a solid footing in your daily affairs. Playful and alive, you can certainly spark chemistry between you.

Sagittarius and Cancer

Sagittarius and Cancer Compatibility Sagittarius and Cancer Compatibility Sagittarius and Cancer Compatibility Sagittarius and Cancer Compatibility Sagittarius and Cancer Compatibility

Your restless nature and inquiring spirit may be somewhat unsettling for the more passive and home-centered Cancer. You just cannot stay in one place very long before you get this irrepressible need to expand your horizons and to go out exploring the terrain of unknown vistas. You need to push out the edges of the envelope as you live for adventure.

Meanwhile, your Cancer lover requires a safe sanctuary where they feel securely protected from the tides of change. If your Crab is able to give you enough freedom so you can explore the outer reaches, you may find a nurturing friend and a tender lover within this relationship.

But, it is also possible that you will feel trapped by the emotional insecurities of your Cancer partner. It may be beyond your capabilities to give them what they need, for you are committed to truthful, honest and straight-forward behaviors, which may hurt Crab's overly sensitive feelings.

If the Moon or Mars in your chart is in a water sign, then you'll probably be more responsive to your Cancer lover's emotional needs.

No matter what, you'll need to find ways to comfort the worries and overcome the fears of your Cancer lover. Additionally, he or she must be willing to include your sense of global awareness within the home and in the family. This is not a natural pair, but together you can create a stable home from which you can journey outward, both in body and in spirit.

Sagittarius and Leo

Sagittarius and Leo Compatibility Sagittarius and Leo Compatibility Sagittarius and Leo Compatibility Sagittarius and Leo Compatibility Sagittarius and Leo Compatibility

You can be philosophical as you point the arrow of your thoughts toward long-held dreams of far off places and aspirations of exciting future adventures. You tend to be fun-loving, fond of travel and have an expansive approach to your everyday life routines.

Like you, Leo is an action-oriented fire sign. They can be generous and love to have a good time as much as you do. When you meet a Leo and it turns romantic, the skies open, the seas part and magic happens. Give your Leo lover ample attention and he or she will blaze a trail of dreams with you. Leos love going out on the town, creative arts and playful excursions of most any type.

Needless to say, these traits complement your sense of adventure, allowing the two of you to enjoy your mutual companionship a great deal. Your Lion lights the way for playful interludes while you are busy planning your next big expedition. Both of you are expressive and outgoing, so others may see the two of you as a dynamic duo.

Romantic chemistry is very strong and passionate, that is until your Leo's ego is bruised by your attention to some travel destination that doesn't involve them. You don't understand this side of your Leo, because your need for approval is not as strong. Vulnerable Leo needs a lot more affirmation than you do.

The good news, however, is neither of you holds a grudge or builds resentment, unless you have the Moon or Mars in a water or earth sign.

You are quite compatible with your Leo mate, and together will engage life to the fullest, having your share of fun along the way.

Sagittarius and Virgo

Sagittarius and Virgo Compatibility Sagittarius and Virgo Compatibility Sagittarius and Virgo Compatibility Sagittarius and Virgo Compatibility Sagittarius and Virgo Compatibility

You are good-natured, high-spirited and present a solid and respectable image to the public. Your superior abilities in education and higher learning are attractive to Virgos, who are more image-conscious than they would like to admit. While you like the big picture, they are focused on the minute details. While you are appreciating the forest, they are in awe of the veins on the leaf of a tree.

Your Virgo lover and you have very different ways of dealing with the world, but you can work well with each other if you learn to appreciate one another's outlook, however foreign it may seem. Your optimism and enthusiastic approach can inspire your Virgo lover to reach for the mountain tops. And your sense of humor can help them lighten their critical touch when dealing with others.

Beneath the cool analytical exterior, your Virgo partner is quite witty, and he or she will appreciate your playful teasing and candor. You'll dream up fantastic adventures, for a weekend, a week or longer, and your Virgo will offer you rational and reasonable advice as to why you are being impractical. They are quite critical of the people around them and this may not be to your liking.

If you have the Moon or Mars in an earth sign, you will be better equipped to take the criticism is a constructive manner.

You may be very attracted to your Virgo's mind, to their refined beauty or to their ability to quickly grasp the finer points of an idea. But this relationship may lack tender vulnerability that can add depth to an intimate relationship. You'll have to work toward expressing your feelings. You can make good traveling companions, as long as your Virgo mate reads the maps and navigates, for you will quickly learn how to trust as he or she points you in the right direction.

This is a refined and well-meaning union that can be successful, especially if you share work interests or a common philosophical outlook on life that helps you get past your obvious difference in lifestyles.

Sagittarius and Libra

Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility

You love to socialize and move about the world with candor and good cheer. At a party, you'll be one of the people who appears confident and is having a good time. You appreciate refined tastes and open-minded attitudes.

Libra makes an aesthetic pleasing companion for you, as both of you are attracted to art, theater, music and uplifting surroundings. You attract a wide variety of friendships, and prefer to keep the company of those with similar values and tastes.

Your Libra partner has a natural talent to put you at ease, for he or she is gracious and tends to your needs and the needs of the relationship in a loving and caring manner. Your occasional blunt mannerism can ruffle the feathers of Libra's fine social protocol. On the other hand, you just may not understand why they put so much stock into the rules of proper social etiquette.

You are a "hands-on" person, while your mate can be satisfied talking about it rather than doing it. You may not understand this part of their personality, unless you have Venus or Mars in an air sign, which can increase your acceptance of this difference.

Ultimately, the two of you are compatible enough that you can overcome whatever obstacles come between you. If you choose to live together, your home will be filled with a wide array of books, art, and travel maps, giving the two of you an artistic and worldly appearance to your friends and associates.

Sagittarius and Scorpio

Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility

You Sagittarians are quite resourceful and able to gather information and materials that you need for your projects and goals. You make fine teachers, life-long students and can excel in the fields of law and politics.

Scorpios are cosmically programmed to research and delve into situations with a keen ability to solve problems and unravel mysteries. They are attracted to your big thinking and may be inspired by your philosophical ideas.

Together, you can enjoy mutual studies, movies and discussing world current events. You'll need to share interests like these, for other areas of your relationship may be more difficult because of how differently you approach life.

You are basically optimistic and can, to a fault, always see the brighter side of a situation. Your Scorpio partner may perceive this Pollyanna-type behavior as naive. He or she will want to wallow around in the darker side of affairs. Scorpios aren't necessarily pessimistic; they just won't be satisfied glossing over that which is unpleasant.

If you have Venus in Scorpio, or the Moon in any water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), you may be more open to dig into the irrational and passionate world of your mate's intense feelings.

Together, you may be able to cultivate each other's hidden talents that can motivate personal growth and enrich your lives. No matter what else, you'll have to learn the fine art of listening so that your Scorpio lover feels like he or she is being heard, for trust is a necessary part of this relationship. Engaging in shared interests is the key to a successful union.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility

When you look into the mirror of relationship and hook up with another Archer, you are initially delighted to have found such a cheerful and good-humored soul. After all, both of you are high-minded, restless and adventurous. And, of course, you are fun to be with.

So, put two of you together and it sounds awesome. You scurry around biking, hiking, and running from place to place. You share long discussions about philosophical ideas, world religions and educational pursuits with each other. You make the best of friends.

Problems can arise, however, when you try to settle into a mutually satisfying routine. Neither one of you is inclined to provide the stability and foundation that the relationship needs. You'll both be coming and going, sometimes together but often without the other in tow, since your interests will diverge and neither of you will want to give up your independence.

But if one or both of you have Venus in Capricorn or Scorpio or the Moon in any earth sign (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn), your chances for long-term compatibility are greatly improved.

If you can slow the two of you down long enough to make a commitment to live and love together, your home may still have the demeanor of a hotel room, your personal items tossed about, due to your busy schedules.

Most importantly, when you are in a relationship with another Sagittarius, aside from the intimacy and love shared, you will have a strong friendship base that can hold your union together.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatibility Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatibility Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatibility Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatibility Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatibility

You are basically good-natured and enjoy humor, jokes, tricks and most comedy. In fact, most of you Sagittarius folks can get uncomfortable if life becomes too serious and mundane. You are happiest when you are active, physically or mentally, and you make your life an adventure in every way you can.

When you meet up with Capricorns, you are confronted with how serious and responsible they are by nature. They are solid and reliable individuals who are practical and well grounded in their daily life. This can get old, as you may feel that your Capricorn partner is often raining on your parade, telling you that your plans to go to India for the summer or your photography expedition to Kenya is too impractical.

The thing is that he or she is probably right, but you don't want to hear it. You are usually willing to risk your security for the sake of adventure. You are more carefree, while your partner will feel better if all the bills are paid before embarking on a journey with you.

On the positive side, your Capricorn mate can help you with managing practical matters including your financial affairs. It may not always be as much fun as you'd prefer, but you'll probably have the resources to actually go on that trip you've always dreamed about.

You have a positive and inspirational influence on your hard-working Capricorn as you bring laughter and lightness into his or her life. Although Capricorns are serious about work, they also take love quite seriously.

If you have Venus in your chart in Capricorn or if your Moon is in any earth sign (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn), your chances for compatibility are improved, as is the likelihood of sexual chemistry.

When the two of you decide you want to pursue this relationship, you really mean it. You'll make good companions and can each offer the other well-developed character traits to balance your lives.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility

You are an idealist, but you do like to put your ideas into practical action. You are, after all, naturally goal-oriented and feel best when moving toward the achievement of projects and ambitions. You are easily inspired by Aquarius, with their futuristic lean, eclectic inventiveness and intuitive brilliant out-of-the-box approach to life.

Your Aquarius lover is ingenious and most certainly a unique individual. With them, you feel like your life adventure is on the cutting edge of the culture.

This is a partnership of air mixed with your fire. Aquarius fans the flames of your big ideas with unusual excitement of their own. The two of you can be terrific friends even if it doesn't become hot romantically. If you do choose to live together, a lack of daily routine can make it difficult to plant your feet firmly on the ground.

Together, yours is an intellectual world of ideas, even if you tend to be more physical. And herein is a second difference. Your partner must be willing to engage in the big outdoors and the physical aspects of love or you'll lose interest pretty quickly.

If your Venus is in Scorpio, your emotional intensity may be at odds with your lover's easy sense of detachment, but with your Moon in an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), compatibility is increased.

Together you two communicate exciting ideas, sometimes in unusual ways. You stimulate each other and enhance one another's intuitive flashes of brilliance. You are a progressive duo and will probably enjoy and making each and every moment count.

Sagittarius and Pisces

Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility

You Sagittarians are often interested in religious studies, philosophies and global issues. You are curious about the world you live in, and seek to create a path in life that balances your humanistic and individual goals.

Pisces folks are also spiritually inclined, but less interested in the ideas of the religion than in the actual practice, for they like to experience altered states brought on through spiritual practice. On the other hand, they may just be attracted to fantasy.

Either way, this is a rich relationship that will expand and deepen your life. Your Pisces lover seeks union with those who are able to perceive the mystical and sacred origins of life, and are drawn to those with charitable compassion and a desire to be of service to the world.

Therefore, the common ground between you and your Fish friend is your mutual awareness of the world and your desire and hope to aid those who need it. There are, however, important differences of style that will have to be acknowledged.

Your fiery nature is intellectual and action-oriented. You seek adventure. Your water mate is less outgoing than you, and seeks emotional understanding. If you allow for your personality differences, you can strengthen each other while working, living and loving together, especially if you find a common cause.

On the romantic side, you will need to pay attention to the sensitive needs of your tender Pisces lover and open your door to a world of imagination that is richer than you ever imagined. If you have Venus in Scorpio or the Moon in any water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), compatibility is easier.

You partner will have to be willing to quicken the pace of their daily life, and join you on your quests for the great adventure.

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