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Superstitions of the Zodiac

Learn the worst fears of every zodiac sign

by Jeff Jawer
A black cat surrounded by glyphs for different zodiac signs represents common superstitions.

Black cats, ladders, Friday the 13th, and Halloween traditionally get a bad rap among the superstitious. And of course, Astrology itself is a superstition to some people, too, isn't it? What-ever.

Let's explore the fears of every zodiac sign. If you are superstitious, you can use this as a guide to what your sign should avoid!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Ever the pioneer, Aries loves to be first and hates having his or her view blocked by anyone. Sitting behind another person in a theater might be considered bad luck or, perhaps, getting caught on the slow line at the supermarket. When you see someone bolting out of the store rather than wait five minutes for a cashier, it's probably an Aries.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

No one likes life's sensual delights more than a Taurus. This sign's dominant superstition involves the need to have ice cream in the freezer at all times. A lack of chocolate might be particularly terrifying, motivating even the most laidback Bull to get off the couch, rush out of the house and buy some premium creamy dessert to avoid catastrophe.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Many chatty Geminis are convinced that if they don't use up all their cell phone minutes every month, they will be struck with terribly bad luck. Rollover plans are definitely a no-no as they can encourage a lax attitude when it comes to calling friends, family members and new acquaintances to discuss last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancers are the great collectors of the zodiac. They keep objects from childhood that most people would have tossed decades earlier. It's bad luck, a good number of them might presume, to let go of your junior high school sweatshirt even though it's full of holes and the building was torn down way back in 1975.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Leos love to be noticed ... and remembered ... and revered. It's not only considered bad form to forget one's name, even though you met them for two minutes at a convention of 10,000 people, but considered to be very bad luck for the Leo. Most Lions do whatever it takes to burn their name in your brain to avoid this danger.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Virgos are specialists in superstition, although they usually claim that they're just being practical. An interruption in their carefully calibrated routine can ruin a day. If items aren’t put away in exactly the right place or if their hair or clothes aren’t perfect, this is no mere inconvenience, it can turn the most logical Virgo into an illogical mess.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Librans require peace and harmony and will sometimes short-change themselves (especially in relationships) to keep others happy. Many of them are convinced that if they get even the tiniest extra bit of love, attention, money, food or fun than their partner that they are doomed and will be punished severely for three lifetimes.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Scorpios are the sheriffs of superstition -- the marshals of metaphysics -- and they know that everything counts and will either work for you or against you. The shadow of a flying bird seen against a house, driving behind a 1983 Buick convertible or even catching the same Will and Grace rerun on two different channels can all be dangerous.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Sagittarians love to take risks, but they might be the most superstitious sign of all. They often have a string of them, like no petting of dogs on big days, no wearing green on weekends, or never checking luggage on trips to Hawaii. Of course, stuffing ginormous carry-on bags is considered perfectly normal and good luck, too.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Capricorns don't have time for the foolishness of superstitions. In fact, they think it's bad luck to be with a superstitious person and will do their best to avoid them. Unhappily for them, most of them marry Pisces, who turn their homes into something that looks like a cross between St. Peter's Cathedral and a Buddhist temple.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Aquarians think that following rules is bad luck. If they're in the "10 item or less" line with nine items, they'll seek out two more things and return with 11 things. It's clear that filing income taxes, going to the dentist more than once a year or carrying ID when driving is only going to get them into some serious trouble.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Pisces are superstitious about rainy days ... and sunny ones, about stepping on cracks in the sidewalk or stepping between them. Consistency is the biggest danger of all, so changing their superstitions according to the phases of the Moon, local barometric pressure or the PH of their bathroom water is common.

About the Author: The late Jeff Jawer is a institution, well-known in the Astrology community for his lighthearted but earnest predictions. He began practicing Astrology nationally in 1973 and developed a reputation as the foremost expert on celebrity natal charts. Alongside collaborator Rick Levine, Jeff co-authored numerous astrology guides and yearly planners. He’s also a founding member of the Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN) and the inventor of Astro, a handheld astrological calculator.

Jeff passed away in 2015, survived by his wife and two daughters, yet his work, wisdom, and inspiration live on. We’re honored to offer his words to today’s readers and astrology enthusiasts.

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