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Taurus Love Compatibility

Calculate the romantic potential of each zodiac sign with Taurus

by Staff
taurus love compatibility

Because you're ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, you'll make the deepest connections with fellow comfort-loving Earth signs, like Virgo and Capricorn. Your perfect partner is practical, patient, and enjoys lavishing you with affection.


Taurus and Aries

Taurus and Aries Compatibility Taurus and Aries Compatibility Taurus and Aries Compatibility Taurus and Aries Compatibility Taurus and Aries Compatibility

You Bulls are the most practical, dependable and reliable people in the zodiac and may question the quick responses and impulsive actions of your Aries partner. You will be more apt to apply the new and highly creative ideas of the Aries into practical actions. Aries might resist your steadfast ways as they don't like it when life becomes entrenched in routine and therefore too boring for them.

Your excitable partner is not known for his or her ability to tolerate boredom or repetitive tasks, even if these very same things bring you security and comfort. You do not have much patience when it comes to tolerating your Aries mate's unfinished business or their halfhearted commitments. Of course, other planets in your birth chart can change this. For example, if you have Mercury or Venus in Aries, you'll better understand your spontaneous partner. With your Moon in any fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius), you'll have increased chances for a successful union.

The true test in this relationship lies in your ability to remain open to the Ram's impractical enthusiasm without feeling responsible to bring him or her to their senses. Allow room for change and there will be plenty of desire and lust between you two that can last a very long time.

Taurus and Taurus

Taurus and Taurus Compatibility Taurus and Taurus Compatibility Taurus and Taurus Compatibility Taurus and Taurus Compatibility Taurus and Taurus Compatibility

You are stubborn, loyal, earthy, and patient. Oftentimes you are slow to change, preferring the solid foundation of familiarity. When meeting a fellow Bull for romance, there will be a practical approach to love and marriage. Both of you possess steadfast values and a well-defined picture of the world around you. Relationships are rarely tolerable for you if you feel out of sync with your partner's value system. Accordingly, as long as you and your Taurus partner have similar philosophies about love, family, and money, the prerequisites for a deep bond is present.

The two of you together can enjoy activities such as gardening, hiking, and, certainly, sitting on a blanket in the meadow enjoying a delicious picnic. Indeed, you are both willing to satiate your senses and therefore probably share a love of eating. You will have to remain vigilant about encouraging each other toward laziness, and especially watch each other's intake of breads, sweets, and snacks. You may find it difficult to start projects together, but once started, you'll see them through to completion.

Remember, two Taurus people can be quite different, depending on the placement of the other planets in the birth charts. For example, if you have your Moon in any fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) or air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), your differences can feel very stressful.

Other considerations aside, you can be quite happy with another Taurus as you move relentlessly toward creating your life together.

Taurus and Gemini

Taurus and Gemini Compatibility Taurus and Gemini Compatibility Taurus and Gemini Compatibility Taurus and Gemini Compatibility Taurus and Gemini Compatibility

Your sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, connecting you to your senses. You Taurus folks often have pleasant voices and yet you say what you mean. Your Gemini partner is ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet, which is associated with the breath, the spoken word, and all forms of language. Together, you two can find immense pleasure in sharing and communicating about the arts and may enchant each other with your different styles of creative expertise.

You are more attracted to sensual creativity, including music, massage and art forms that impact both sight and touch. On the other hand, your Gemini partner may gravitate more toward expression through words, poetry, riddles, and lighthearted play. Both of you enjoy the colorful and vibrant scenes of nature and would most likely enjoy the splendor of parks and outdoor theater.

This relationship is easier if you were born with the Moon or Mars in an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius). Without the Moon or other planets in your chart in air signs, you may find that your Gemini lover is too flighty and changeable for your tastes. On the other hand, this relationship can bring movement and excitement into you life. In fact, this can be a nice match up if you are willing to stretch yourself beyond your physical comfort zones and move into the Gemini's mental world of words and ideas.

Taurus and Cancer

Taurus and Cancer Compatibility Taurus and Cancer Compatibility Taurus and Cancer Compatibility Taurus and Cancer Compatibility Taurus and Cancer Compatibility

When you are comfortable, you are very easy to be around. And with Cancer the Crab, you can find a natural comfort zone which can lull you into an easy relaxation.

You are drawn toward the domestic behaviors of Cancer and can be the happy recipient of their cooking, homemaking and nurturing, whether they are male or female. In fact, since you like to treat your senses well, the two of you living together would most likely create a magnificent kitchen and a comfortable living space. The culinary delights that might come from your kitchen are viewed as caring and nurturing by your Cancer partner, but you simply love to eat what is prepared, no matter what the motivation is for preparing it.

You are willing and capable to provide a steady and stable foundation for the security-bound Cancer and they, in turn, happily offer you a safe comfortable haven. Your lover may seem emotionally needy, unless your Moon or Mars is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces).

There is a high degree of trust that exists between you two and if you establish harmony early in your relationship, you can remain together for a lifetime.

Taurus and Leo

Taurus and Leo Compatibility Taurus and Leo Compatibility Taurus and Leo Compatibility Taurus and Leo Compatibility Taurus and Leo Compatibility

You and your Leo partner are two of the four "fixed signs" of the zodiac, meaning you are less yielding and more stubborn than other astrological sun signs. There can be trouble because of this factor, especially when you and your Leo partner clash over how best to get your personal needs met and your individual styles of expressing love. You can be possessive and bull-headed and your lover can become jealous and needy.

You both have simplistic childlike tendencies that can prove to be detrimental in this pairing. You must aim high together to overcome the petty fears and emotions that can overwhelm the trust and love you have for each other.

You have to learn how to take turns being flexible. At times, you may get frustrated by your partner's self-centeredness, but if you tolerate his or her different style, you can be highly physical and quite romantic together. If you have Venus in Aries or the Moon in any fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius), this can sufficiently ease potential conflicts.

Ultimately, the key is in learning early on how to sustain an enduring attitude of love and respect for your Lion. If you can do this, the two of you can endure hardships, share fun times and take on the world with zest and determination.

Taurus and Virgo

Taurus and Virgo Compatibility Taurus and Virgo Compatibility Taurus and Virgo Compatibility Taurus and Virgo Compatibility Taurus and Virgo Compatibility

You earthy Bulls function quite differently than Virgos -- another earth sign -- yet you remain quite compatible as you share a practical approach to life. Your Virgo lover is ruled by the mental planet Mercury, and is fixated on details, perfection, and edits life with a fine-tooth comb. Their analytical and sometimes critical style can put you into a tailspin. You are probably the more grounded and choose to make your basic decisions by simplification and determination rather than complex analysis.

Your planet, Venus, is more focused on the practical realities of love, the physical pleasures it can offer, and plain old good-hearted fun. With a Virgo, you can unite intellect with emotion. You make a good team because you bridge head and the heart in a practical and tangible way by sharing similar interests and concerns. For instance, you could create a wonderful garden together through your partner's mental planning and design skills combined with your manual labor, artistic eye, and dedication.

If the Moon or Mars in your chart is in Gemini or Sagittarius, there can be stressful differences of life style, making compatibility more difficult.

Whatever stresses other planetary placements may add, good teamwork and mutual respect makes this a feel-good combination that can stand up to the tests of time.

Taurus and Libra

Taurus and Libra Compatibility Taurus and Libra Compatibility Taurus and Libra Compatibility Taurus and Libra Compatibility Taurus and Libra Compatibility

Both of these zodiacal signs are associated with the planet Venus, creating a mutual desire for love, beauty, and refined communication. You are an earth sign, however, and tend to be more sensual through body, emotion, and physical desire. You need to bring things down to the sensory level for them to have the most meaning.

A Libra, however, is an air sign, so your partner will be mentally intrigued with the idea of love and harmony. In fact, Libra is a gracious host or hostess and will like to do things that make you feel good. A problem could exist between your strong desire for basic physical pleasure while your Libra lover reads, draws, and talks about it.

If, on the other hand, you have the Moon in any air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) or if you have Mercury or Venus in Gemini, these differences can be minimized and compatibility is increased.

The bottom line is you can find success by drawing up a plan of strategy and applying it to the practical aspects of your life. Your home will comfortable and likely to be filled with lots of art, books, music, and beautiful things.

Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility

You are practical, levelheaded and more overt with your emotions and needs than the quiet and sometimes moody Scorpio. Both of you are fixed signs and can be stubborn, tending to brood when you cannot have your way.

You are less likely to hold a grudge or exhibit silent resentment than your Scorpion lover. Instead, you may try to push your way into his or her psyche. Your determination, however, won't wear down the powerful feelings of your partner.

You tend to be simplistic in your physical needs, while Scorpio's sensuality and sexuality is more complicated than you can imagine. As opposite signs of the zodiac, you are attracted to one another and can be extremely sexy together. If the placement of other planets in your chart -- especially the Moon or Mars -- is in any water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), then you are more likely to be willing to engage the intensity of Scorpio's feelings.

Your steadiness is tested by Scorpio, yet his or her strong magnetism will entice you to hold on to the dream of "forever" with great hope and fortitude.

Taurus and Sagittarius

Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility

You're going to have to make a number of adjustments for this relationship to work. Generally speaking, you tend to move slower than goal-oriented Sagittarius.

Your solid, down-to-earth, no-nonsense personality can offer your Sagittarian lover a potential for stability and focus regarding the practical side of life. On the other hand, you can seem like a party spoiler as you try to simplify your adventurous partner's life. Under your steadfast influence, the restless archer will either settle down or soon be tempted to point his or her arrow in the direction of bigger dreams and greener pastures.

You may lack understanding or acceptance of your partner's goals that seek greater horizons and unknown vistas. You'd rather create a solid life built upon real pleasure and security. If, however, you have Venus or Mercury in Aries, you'll be better equipped to accompany your lover in whatever adventures he or she dreams up. But if you have the Moon or Mars in Virgo or Pisces, there may be stressful differences that are tough to overcome.

No matter what planetary pressures are placed upon you as a couple, with some flexibility you'll be able to dance and dream as you pave a real road toward a rich and adventuresome life.

Taurus and Capricorn

Taurus and Capricorn Compatibility Taurus and Capricorn Compatibility Taurus and Capricorn Compatibility Taurus and Capricorn Compatibility Taurus and Capricorn Compatibility

These two earth signs are very compatible and tend to complement the virtue of hard work, stability, and patience within each other. There are, however, significant differences.

You love the green, moist, lush earth while the Capricorn may be drawn toward mountains, the dry desert, and canyons. In other words, you may exhibit more feeling and emotion than your cautious Capricorn who tends to hold feelings inside. Trouble may arise as your partner tries to take the role of authoritarian or exude more of a need to take control over situations. You'll probably go along with this to a point, just as long as you get your way on important matters of the heart. You will trust your partner when it comes to making decisions about practical matters, but you won't want them to pick out the furnishings for your home or the linens. You want things that indulge your senses, while they may be more practical in their needs.

You can easily admire your Capricorn and love him or her with great loyalty. Problems can arise if your Venus is in Aries or Gemini, as your values may be quite different. Also, if your Moon is in Aries or Libra, compatibility may be more elusive.

Your success here occurs best within the format of a well-defined relationship where everything is spelled out for both of you. This smoothly-running partnership can achieve stability in the real world and can bring a heightened sense of ambition into your life.

Taurus and Aquarius

Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility

Your conventional ways are certainly going to be tested by the radical and inventive antics of your Aquarian friend. You prefer physical down-home comfort and don't like your senses rattled by uncertainty. Unfortunately, you may be jolted and surprised by the eccentric ways of Aquarius.

You can be a soothing influence on your partner, for your earth can ground out the airy Aquarius. You are each more set in your ways than is at first apparent, as you are both fixed signs. When conflicts arise, your stubbornness is matched by your lover's unusual tactics -- including the sometimes difficult to accept realization that he or she knows everything. Let's face it: Aquarius is prone to mental arrogance, a trait intolerable to your simple and down-to-earth approach.

Another problem is that in your Aquarian's eyes, you are apt to become lazy and self-indulgent -- character flaws he or she just will not succumb to. Of course, other planetary placements can change the compatibility picture quite dramatically making this combination outlast all the others. For example, if the Moon or Mars in your chart is in any air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), compatibility is enhanced.

Loving kindness, tolerance, and understanding go a long way toward making this relationship a success.

Taurus and Pisces

Taurus and Pisces Compatibility Taurus and Pisces Compatibility Taurus and Pisces Compatibility Taurus and Pisces Compatibility Taurus and Pisces Compatibility

Your simplistic earthy and practical character provides a supportive foundation for the dreamy Pisces.

Your watery Pisces thrives in a private world of nonverbal symbols and active imagination. Pisces is sensitive, highly compassionate, and empathetic. Your down-to-earth sensibility mixes remarkably well with your fish's refined attitudes toward love and relationships.

Your planet is Venus. Pisces is associated with Neptune. Venus and Neptune play well together, especially when engaged in places where the physical senses meet up with fantasy. Your pursuit of love, whether it is through art, music, or people, is of the utmost importance to Piscean partner. He or she knows how to pluck gently at your heart strings, making for a harmonic and loving union between these two sun signs. Your stubbornness, which can get in the way of love, melts and becomes rather tender under the Piscean influence.

This is a good match, but other planetary placements in each chart can add complex dimensions to this relationship. For example, if Mercury or Venus in your chart is in Aries, you may find it difficult to get along with your Pisces lover. On the other hand, if your Moon is in any water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), compatibility is improved.

Ultimately, you are like the proverbial Bull in a fish bowl. You'll need to give your Pisces mate enough encouragement and support so they don't feel too fragile around your solid determination.

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