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Astrology Advice for Singles on Valentine's Day

Celebrate yourself on this day of love

by Sally Philips

Have you been dreading Valentine's Day? Well, there's nothing to fear! Cupid wants you to celebrate love in all of its manifestations, not just the romantic variety. As a single person, you have energy for loving friendships (which you might not have time for if you were part of a couple), so you have much to be grateful for.

Here are some tips for how each zodiac sign can use Valentine's Day to affirm that a partner isn't necessary when it comes to celebrating love -- and a few suggestions for attracting a date as well!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

If you're single and loving it, more power to you ... but if want to find a partner, try making this holiday your Valentine's New Year. Write resolutions about new ways you can reach out while having fun in the coming year. Get psyched up and create a positive attitude. The world is your romantic oyster!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You could use some pampering on this special day, so take yourself to a spa to enjoy a head-to-toe beauty treatment, massage or soak in a hot tub. Be your own best date by treating yourself to whatever sensual delights tickle your fancy. Invite a close friend along and indulge together.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

If you get the urge to call your friends and whine about your single status, go ahead. Get chatty and vent all you want ... but whatever you do, resist the temptation to ring up your ex or that hottie you've got your eye on. Wait for another day to make those calls, when your emotions aren't so volatile.

Related Article: Your Zodiac Sign's Kissing Style, According to Astrology

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You're one of the world's biggest romantics, so don't let being single stop you from celebrating love. Arrange a gift or card exchange in your circle of friends and invite them over for a Valentine's party. Bake cookies and deck out the house in red hearts and candlelight. Declare a toast to the loving friendships that sustain you.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Okay, Leo, you may not have a date this year, but you can still spread some cheer. Offer to babysit your friends' kids. Parents of young children often have trouble finding time for romance in their busy lives, so help them out. You won't be alone, and you'll have fun playing with their kiddos.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

This is going to sound crazy, but this might be the perfect day to clean and reorganize your space. De-cluttering improves Feng Shui, which creates chi (vital energy) that can help attract more magic into your life. If you're looking for a relationship, enhance the southwest sector of your bedroom with gemstones, crystals and candles.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Being single isn't easy for you, Libra. If you're feeling sorry for yourself, here's a sure-fire way to cheer up: help someone less fortunate than yourself. Seniors are often lonely, and not just on Valentine's Day, so see if you can volunteer at a senior center in your neighborhood. Or, look for a church or non-profit group that could use your help.

Related Article: How to Find Your Soulmate Using Astrology

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

You love intrigue and the little white lies behind it, so find an online florist and order a bouquet of flowers to be sent to you at your workplace. Or have a local candy store deliver a big box of chocolates. Sign the card "From Your Secret Admirer." The water cooler gossip will keep you amused all day.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Recharge your batteries by taking a short trip. It doesn't have to be elaborate. Just getting on a bus and heading to some new part of town can do the trick. Or, try this with a friend: get in your car, start driving, toss a coin at every corner and turn left (for tails) or right (for heads) accordingly. After a few tosses, have dinner wherever you end up.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

You've already got a handle on creating attractive energy that draws people to you. Your flair for success is irresistible. Now's a great time to share some of the fruits of that success by treating your friends to a special event. Look for a movie, concert, comedy club or theater production you know they will enjoy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Okay, so you've figured out that Valentine's Day is a plot by flower shops and greeting card companies to bump up their post-Christmas sales. If you're part of this "bah humbug" group, gather your like-minded friends and have a Valentine's Scrooge party. Give a prize to the guest who brings the snarkiest card.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

Today is the day to amplify the compassionate traits you are known and loved for. Reach out to a friend or family member who needs an open ear. As you listen, offer your support and help them find their way back to a more cosmic perspective. This comes naturally to you, but it isn't always so easy for others.

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