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Virgo Love Compatibility

Calculate the romantic potential of each zodiac sign with Virgo

by Staff

As a meticulous Virgo who prefers life to be clean and orderly, your perfect partner will adhere to your high standards. Earthy Taurus and Capricorn will appeal to your hard-working and practical nature, while dramatic Fire signs like Virgo and Sagittarius will throw you off course.


Virgo and Aries

Virgo and Aries Compatibility Virgo and Aries Compatibility Virgo and Aries Compatibility Virgo and Aries Compatibility Virgo and Aries Compatibility

Your personality is detail-oriented, focused, analytical, and organized. You are a perfectionist who likes things to be done well and efficiently. You can be critical and judgmental in ways that become self-defeating if not kept under control.

Aries, on the other hand, lives a life that is somewhat looser around the edges. Your Ram mate is a pioneer that will push ahead with less organization and a minimal emphasis for detail. Needless to say, this trait can irritate the heck out of you and put you on edge. You'll find yourself judging your irrepressible Aries as juvenile or even simplistic, and in all fairness, this isn't necessarily an accurate picture. In spite of your great ability to focus on details, you can err on the other side of the coin, by not seeing the bigger picture in life's everyday dramas.

If the Moon in your chart is in a fire or air sign, you will be appreciative of your Aries lover's innovative and courageous zest for life. If your Moon is in an earth or water sign, it may add to your caution and your hesitance to endorse your Aries' sense of immediacy.

The bottom line is that Aries are movers and shakers and your life will not be dull if you partner with a Ram. Your sense of stability can help ground the Aries. You can make good business partners, for you provide the follow-through. If you can learn to accept your differences of lifestyle, you stand to learn much from the happy and inspired Aries who can, in turn, light up your life.

Virgo and Taurus

Virgo and Taurus Compatibility Virgo and Taurus Compatibility Virgo and Taurus Compatibility Virgo and Taurus Compatibility Virgo and Taurus Compatibility

You and Taurus can make a great pair, for you find a real companion in the Bull who compliments your analytical style with common sense. You are both earth signs and can encourage productivity in each other, especially in the realm of business and practical matters concerning home and family.

Your heightened sense of perfectionism blends very well with the artistic and sensual tastes of your Taurus lover. If, however, your Venus is in Leo or Libra, you may have ongoing disagreements about what you each consider tasteful.

In Taurus, you find someone who can create an environment that is clean, well organized, and simplistically beautiful. Your partner will probably pay attention to money-balancing your frugal ways with their abundant desires. Your nature-loving Taurus will most likely also enjoy camping and outdoor hikes, and if they do love the outdoors, they may actually incorporate natural and earthy themes in home decor, including lots of plants and a useful vegetable garden.

This is a no-nonsense, down-to-earth match which can survive the toughest of times and thrive for many happy years.

Virgo and Gemini

Virgo and Gemini Compatibility Virgo and Gemini Compatibility Virgo and Gemini Compatibility Virgo and Gemini Compatibility Virgo and Gemini Compatibility

Both you and your Gemini acquaintance have the planet Mercury as your ruling planet. Mercury is associated with all forms of communication, language and writing, so words, ideas and conversations are lively and emphasized in this relationship.

You can establish resourceful and creative analysis within the framework of your partner's active imagination and thinking. Since you both love a well-crafted sentence, together you can revel in the beauty of speech and music. With all these similarities, you might think this is a match made in heaven, but your styles of communication are quite different. Your refined style is practical and highly critical, making you a talented editor type. Meanwhile, your Gemini mate is comfortable when talking without a script, making them more social and quite charming at a cocktail party.

If your Mars is in a fire sign or an air sign, you may also feel at ease jumping into a conversation that was started by your partner. But if your Mars is in a water sign or earth sign, you may have difficulty keeping up with their clever one-liners.

Wherever your Mars is, you might find it difficult to relax around your restless Gemini lover. You can burn off some of this energy by engaging in discussions about books, participating together in literary projects or exploring the outer reaches of new forms of communication, such as the Internet. Romantic involvement with the two of you rationalists is as much a mental pursuit as a physical one. The right words can inspire much passion.

Virgo and Cancer

Virgo and Cancer Compatibility Virgo and Cancer Compatibility Virgo and Cancer Compatibility Virgo and Cancer Compatibility Virgo and Cancer Compatibility

You have high ideals in your relationships and seek to understand your partner as a means to broaden your own self-reflection and identity. Therefore, you may assume a mental stance in a relationship, which is not problematic unless you are with a water sign, such as Cancer. Your Cancer lover is a deeply emotional and highly sensitive person who may be overwhelmed and even perplexed by your detached style.

Your Crab prefers to feel their way through a situation, nourishing and protecting those they love with a giving and open heart. No question about it: you appreciate this devotion. On the other hand, you may feel burdened, even claustrophobic, by the always present and sometimes unspoken needs of insecure Cancer lover, unless the Moon or Venus in your chart is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces).

Your partner is addicted to the comfort of feeling that comes through mutual sharing and commitment. Meanwhile, you want to understand and think about the prospect of mutual union, yet in the end, the actual commitment and steadfast concentration may waver. Needless to say, this will irritate your mate.

If you can work out this difference of character, you should be able to love each other with care and respect as you create a life together.

Virgo and Leo

Virgo and Leo Compatibility Virgo and Leo Compatibility Virgo and Leo Compatibility Virgo and Leo Compatibility Virgo and Leo Compatibility

You are very strong within your own self, even if you present a timid appearance. As such, you are not apt to need outside encouragement on a daily basis. And, because you have a sharp mind, you can be self-critical to a fault. You have, however, an uncanny endurance that gets you through most obstacles. Your sharp mind is connected to your sharp eye, and as such you can be overly critical of others, too. This doesn't fly with your Leo mate. The Lion cannot easily take criticism and may be in need of ongoing praise and attention, displaying strengths in other areas, such as devotion, love and generosity.

Your quiet humility may bump heads with the prideful Lion, who needs outward displays of affection to strengthen self-confidence and courage. If your chart has the Moon, Mercury or Venus in Leo, you'll be able to assimilate these Lion-like traits, using candor and humor to get around the irritations you may feel.

Your Leo lover can appreciate your razor-sharp wit, but whatever you do, don't tease him or her. Handle Lions with respect and honor, even when they are displaying child-like tendencies, and you can find yourself in a winner of a relationship.

Virgo and Virgo

Virgo and Virgo Compatibility Virgo and Virgo Compatibility Virgo and Virgo Compatibility Virgo and Virgo Compatibility Virgo and Virgo Compatibility

When others are in the company of two Virgos, they may feel as though they are witnessing an elite club meeting in progress.

You Virgos can find delight in each another for many reasons. You both see yourselves as slightly superior to the rest of the human race due to your innate organizational skills, acute detail in work, and your ability to execute ideas and put them into productivity. You are amazing, no doubt! No detail is too small to tackle or explain. The target problem areas of the relationship develop when your fastidious minds compete as to which one of the two will rule the roost. You both have set and exacting ideas, but they may differ widely, especially if Mercury in your individual charts is in different signs.

If, however, they are in the same sign, your ideas may be more complimentary, balanced, and cooperative. This mutual and shared intellectual perspective will allow for peace and happiness. There is good wit and humor shared between you two, but is usually on the dry side.

This relationship may function well and have an efficient practicality, but it's probably not going to be very warm and fuzzy.

Virgo and Libra

Virgo and Libra Compatibility Virgo and Libra Compatibility Virgo and Libra Compatibility Virgo and Libra Compatibility Virgo and Libra Compatibility

You are as reflective, analytical and refined as your Libra lover and can get along famously, as long as Libra isn't too wishy-washy when it comes to making decisions. You'll probably get annoyed with the indecision of your partner, who would rather avoid picking one option over another. Libra will feel pressured by you, even if you don't mean it.

Libra will feel judged under your critically discerning eye. But it's not just about making decisions. You may also be critical of their laziness. And, unless you have Mercury or Venus in Libra in your chart, you'll probably think your Libra mate isn't very practical ... and they are not!

They are more interested in aesthetics than utility. Libra will want the walls painted white because it looks better, but you'll want them a light ivory because it won't show up dirt as quickly. Actually, you are both keen on beauty and balance, and can build a lovely environment that others find refreshing, clean, and stimulating.

Together you can manifest prosperity and indulge in the finer things in life. With some individual adjustments, this can be a compatible relationship with good potential.

Virgo and Scorpio

Virgo and Scorpio Compatibility Virgo and Scorpio Compatibility Virgo and Scorpio Compatibility Virgo and Scorpio Compatibility Virgo and Scorpio Compatibility

You appreciate tact and a well-groomed environment. You dislike anything crude or unpolished, preferring to relate with people who will not offend or embarrass your sense of decency. Your Scorpio lover, although quiet and deeply honest, may at times step over the line of acceptability for your taste.

Overtly blunt, and not afraid to venture deeply into the mysterious dark edges of life, your passionate Scorpio mate is driven to plunge into experiences with unedited intensity. Let's face it: you are attracted to your Scorpio's frank and honest personality, but you wish they could be emotionally mellower. Sometimes their volcanic power actually scares you, unless you have the Moon in a water sign like Scorpio. If you do, you will feel more at home with the depths of the emotional realms.

You will have to get past the style from which they present their views, or your refined nature may feel overwhelmed. The two of you will honest together, and most likely enjoy diving into the caverns of the psyche as a means to churn up the details of the unconscious.

Virgo and Sagittarius

Virgo and Sagittarius Compatibility Virgo and Sagittarius Compatibility Virgo and Sagittarius Compatibility Virgo and Sagittarius Compatibility Virgo and Sagittarius Compatibility

Your character tends to be service-oriented with a keen awareness of your duties and responsibilities. You are exact in the way you deal with the mundane tasks of everyday life and are a great asset at work and at home.

The Sagittarius nature is dynamically different than yours, for they tend to be more broad-minded with sweeping goals and ambitions. Your Sagittarius partner is humorous, enthusiastic and good-natured. He or she tries to make the best out of every situation. Under pressure, you focus on the little things as the Archer aims the arrow of consciousness into the grand outer world. Your tendency may be to pull in to protect yourself in response to your mate's plans to travel or conquer the world. But if you can get past basic differences, the two of you can work effectively as a team, organizing the details of life with an open-minded awareness.

Your chances for long-term compatibility are improved if the Moon in your chart is in a fire sign or air sign.

If you can harmonize your wonderful potentials, the two of you should be able to enjoy the pursuit of shared social and intellectual activities with great interest and success.

Virgo and Capricorn

Virgo and Capricorn Compatibility Virgo and Capricorn Compatibility Virgo and Capricorn Compatibility Virgo and Capricorn Compatibility Virgo and Capricorn Compatibility

You are normally hesitant in your actions until you know that everything is proper. Your Capricorn lover is also conservative in action and carefully sets goals and then sets out to achieve them. You are both cautious about matters of the heart. You tend toward critical and analytical thinking, and bring a sharp flavor of communication into relationships.

To others, you can appear cool and distant with your discerning eye. This works well with your Goat, for Capricorn is also well-guarded at the beginning of a relationship. Capricorns do not wear their heart on their sleeve and can hold back feelings until it appears very safe.

Your partner is probably more serious than you are. Both of you are practical and down to earth, each in your own unique way. If Venus in your chart is in Leo, you might find your mate's seriousness just too much. If your Venus is in Libra, you may not be as attracted to your Capricorn's belief that practicality is more important that beauty.

No matter where the other planets are in your chart, your organizational abilities should blend nicely with Capricorn's ordered, but sometimes controlling, way of life. For the most part, you'll enjoy sharing the same space and can easily adjust to each other's needs and habits. Romantic fires may take awhile to get roaring, however, both of you can be very affectionate and sexy once you've moved past your issues of trust and have learned how to share.

Virgo and Aquarius

Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility Virgo and Aquarius Compatibility

You have very strong work ethics and are a service-oriented type of person. You have a deep desire to help others and are happiest when you are busy, working efficiently at your tasks. Aquarius cares deeply about the greater community and is the humanitarian of the zodiac. Together, you can make waves and have impact working with organizations, taking on projects and doing most any kind of group activity that involves high standards and shared values. For your own separate reasons, you each like the idea of doing things that insure goodwill toward all.

That being said, there are some formidable differences. You are a practical, detail oriented worker, whereas your Aquarius lover likes abstract intellectual principles. If you can stay open, you stand to gain from the "big picture" that your Aquarius offers. If you aren't too critical, you can benefit from the many friends and acquaintances which your partner brings into your life.

If, however, you have Mars in a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) or air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), then you may actually be as outgoing as your eclectic Aquarius mate.

Ultimately, your Aquarius lover needs to relate with intelligent people, and you qualify on this account. Therefore, you are not only a suitable mate, but your clear thinking can be quite inspiring to your partner. If nothing else, the two of you make compatible work mates and friends. And, of course, your compatibility can go much further.

Virgo and Pisces

Virgo and Pisces Compatibility Virgo and Pisces Compatibility Virgo and Pisces Compatibility Virgo and Pisces Compatibility Virgo and Pisces Compatibility

Sometimes opposites do attract and no doubt about it: Pisces is your opposite. You are exacting and disciplined where Pisces can be scattered and spacey. You are rational and logical while Pisces is imaginative and emotional. You respond to circumstances of life by narrowing your focus and analyzing the details as you figure out your next move. Your Pisces lover discards the obvious facts while searching the inner dimensions of spirit, relying on intuition instead of data.

If the Moon in your chart is in a water sign, then you'll be more open to the imaginal realms of your Pisces. If the Moon in your chart is in an earth sign, you may think that Pisces is just too flaky for your taste.

You may get annoyed at what you consider escapist tendencies in your lover, although he or she may not see it that way at all. If, however, you can accept how different the two of you are, you can actually be of great help to each, as you balance each other and bring into focus the areas of life that are weak for each of you. In fact, you can serve as mirrors to each other's souls.

Most importantly, this relationship softens you and teaches you how to become more compassionate and caring for others. You are a practical person, yet matters of the heart-especially with a Pisces-are not necessarily rational. On the other hand, you can teach your fishy friend some tricks of your own and they can learn how to productively organize their life. Together, you can be very sweet and loving, with a great fondness for lovely walks, enjoyable music and quiet times.

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