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7 Travel Tips for Mercury Retrograde

Travel dos and don'ts for trumping Mercury Retrograde

by Karen A Kay

Don't let Mercury Retrograde spoil your travel plans! Travel is one of the key areas affected by Mercury Retrograde, as it tends to wreak havoc on communications, technology and traffic -- three components inherent to travel. But that doesn't mean you should call off your trip!

We've put together some friendly Mercury Retrograde Travel Tips to keep you safe, happy and in control as you hit the road during MRx.

Do plan ahead

Last-minute, spontaneous travel plans can be so much fun -- but that's not advised without careful consideration during Mercury Retrograde. If you're booking a flight or hotel, try to do it before Merc starts its retrograde phase. And if you insist on a last minute flight or road trip, pay close attention to the details so you don't wind up at the wrong airport gate or running out of gas ... and give yourself plenty of extra time, just in case you still do.

Don't push boundaries

If you're the type of person who likes to make friends traveling or ask strangers for help, be a bit more cautious when relating to new people -- especially in foreign places. Miscommunication is likely during this time, so if you don't speak the language or you attempt to make jokes, you might offend someone. Study up on the language and customs so you can make a good impression, and for crying out loud don't make wisecracks to airport officials or you could find yourself in big trouble.

Related Article: Job Tips for Mercury Retrograde

Do be patient and prepared

If your travel plans do go awry, it's important to keep a sense of humor and positive perspective about it. For instance, if you find yourself stranded in an airport overnight, won't you be happier about it if you had packed a snack and a deck of cards? Be extra sure prepare for such delays and take care of yourself before heading out during MRx.

Don't rely on technology

Technology is at risk during MRx, so don't rely solely on any digital devices that could break down. If you're planning to find your location via GPS, bring along an old-fashioned paper map, too! If you're planning to use your phone while out of town, write down your contact numbers, too, so you'll have them if the phone malfunctions. If you're driving a long distance, keep a roadside safety kit and tire jack in the trunk. Think of it like this: if you need it and it can break, back it up.

Related Article: Best and Worst Drivers of the Zodiac

Do duplicate your documents

Things tend to get lost and go missing during Mercury Retrograde, so if you're traveling -- especially out of the country -- it's a good idea to photocopy your identification, passport, airline tickets, hotel confirmation numbers and anything you need to make a trip go smoothly. Keep the original documents and the photocopied docs in two separate places so you'll have a backup if your bag is lost.

Don't be reckless

Vehicle accidents happen more often during MRx, so use extra caution. Don't drive too fast and be defensive about it -- you're likely to encounter some crazy drivers on the road. Watch where you're going -- on foot, bike, car, bus, horse, camel, train or plane -- so you don't have a mishap, and don't put yourself in harm's way or invite trouble. For example, if you think it's a bad idea to drink a half a bottle of tequila and ride a horse up the side of a jungle mountain in Mexico with a stranger, um, it probably is.

Do show up early

Expect long lines and delays while traveling in MRx, so show up early to make sure stalls won't interfere with your plans. Use the extra time waiting for the plane or train to write in your journal about hopes, dreams, regrets and wishes. Mercury Retrograde is great for this kind of reflection, and travel always gets your mind juices flowing. Have a safe trip!

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