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Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp

The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination is never a dull thing

by Staff

This article's content is based on The Secret Language of Birthdays book by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek.

What happens when you combine the energies of capable Capricorn and quirky Aquarius? You get highly unique individuals, that’s what. If you were born between about January 16 and January 23, you were born on The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, and there's never a dull moment.

Whether outwardly flamboyant or shy and quiet, Capricorn-Aquarius cuspers always have much excitement going on internally. They have vivid dreams and rich fantasies that need to be expressed creatively if they’re to be happy.

Related: Sun in Capricorn Horoscope

Prone to leading unusual lives, “Capriquarians” often struggle to balance the two very different sides of their personalities -- they are reserved yet social, security-craving but independent, and traditional yet offbeat.

Capricorn-Aquarius cuspers love to talk and entertain, and they especially enjoy intellectually stimulating conversations about any manner of strange topics. This is why no matter how hard they work or how dedicated they are to achieving their goals, things are never dull.

Related: Sun in Aquarius Horoscope

While hard-work and high standards bring these cuspers much success in most career endeavors, they can have more difficulty maintaining personal relationships. This is perhaps due to a need for independence, and a tendency to seem aloof and critical -- sometimes even selfish. However, if they can put forth the loyal, funny and friendly sides of themselves they’ll make fast friends.

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