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Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp

Born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp

by Staff

This article's content is based on The Secret Language of Birthdays book by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek.

Happy Birthday, Scorpio! Er, wait a minute. Are you sure you're a Scorpio? What if you're a Sagittarius and you don't even know it?! Individuals born between about November 18 to 24 fall on the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp, and they will likely display traits from each of these two horoscope signs.

Known as The Cusp of Revolution, the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp is full of strength and rebellious energy. Individuals born on this cusp are ruled by Pluto, Mars and Jupiter, and they possess the bold, aggressive qualities of Scorpio along with the active and adaptable traits of Sagittarius.

Related Article: Sun in Scorpio Horoscopes

Scorpio/Sagittarius cuspers are likely to be accomplished because they have that intense Scorpio passion combined with the typical Sagittarius way of charging right into action. But sometimes they are so action oriented they can be characterized as rebellious -- and maybe even accused of running wild!

Rebelliousness doesn't need to be a bad thing, though. It often simply means these cuspers are open-minded, freedom-loving and willing to speak their minds frankly.

Related Article: Sun in Sagittarius Horoscopes

Because of the forthright nature of Scorpio/Sag cuspers, conflicts can arise with figures of authority. Therefore these individuals may do better when self-employed, and if they can find work that befits their natural tendencies toward empathy for the human condition, even better.

The greatest challenge for those born on the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp is to reconcile the very opposite nature of these two Water and Fire horoscope signs. If not, they may be a bit misunderstood. But if they can learn to balance their complex personalities they will likely become humorous, powerful and generous people.

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