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All About Pisces

February 19 - March 20

by Staff

Fish act as one when swimming with their schools, and just as each fish is part of a greater whole, you Pisces Fish are more aware of interdependency than any other zodiac sign. It's as if you live in an ocean and the spirit that flows through you is one that flows through all fishes. The symbol of the Fish is also the symbol of Christianity, the predominant religion during the past two thousand years -- also known to astrologers as the "Age of Pisces."

As a Pisces, you are spiritual in nature and emotional in expression. Intuition and imagination are both your strengths and weaknesses, and you are attracted to the mystical side of things -- this can be dangerous, though, because the realm of imagination offers little structure to your everyday life. Without the foundation of reality, it becomes easy to flounder. Your own salvation, then, can come from helping others less fortunate than yourself -- those who have been caught in the currents of life and into addiction or spiritual confusion.

Your motto might be "Reality is just a shared illusion," and, in a higher sense this may be true. Nevertheless, you still need to survive in this "shared illusion" of reality, which can sometimes become a struggle as you compassionate Fish often feel the pain of the world as if it were your own. There's no easy escape -- your best path is to follow a creative or spiritual pursuit while doing your work in the real world.

The Pisces element is Water

The waters of Pisces are the waters of consciousness itself. Just as Water is the element of emotion, the Water of Pisces connects each of us to one another in ways that go beyond the rational and into the sea of thoughts and beliefs.

Horoscope house: 12th

The 12th house is like the astrological refuse collector. It's not about endings in the traditional sense; it's more about recycling. Here is where we brush up against our own limitations and see how they undo what we've done. Here is where it all dissolves into the boundless cosmos, only to be transformed and to start anew, back in the 1st house, all over again.

Pisces' key planet: Neptune

As the key planet for Pisces, Neptune is about the spiritual and the mystical. It's about what we cannot see with our five senses. Neptune was the God (or Goddess) of the Seas. She symbolizes the dissolution of reality, for all earth arises from the ocean and eventually to it returns. Neptune is represented by the mists, which prevent us from seeing what's really "out there." Instead, we must rely on our own imagination to guide us through the hidden realms.

Your greatest strength

You have compassion for those in need

Your possible weakness

Your confusion can be a disadvantage

Read today's Pisces horoscope »

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