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How to Break Up With Each Zodiac Sign

Get Astrology advice for breaking up with every horoscope sign

by Simone Butler
zodiac sign break up

Uh-oh, you want out. The cosmos have had us questioning our relationships lately, and it seems you've finally decided you want to go your own way. So how do you break it to your partner in the least painful way? Look to their zodiac sign.

Breakups are excruciatingly painful, whichever side you're on. It doesn't matter if you're married or dating or the seasons changed and a new person captured your heart. When you're in the difficult position of letting someone go, you can make it easier if you communicate in a way the other person can understand, and if you prepare for the reaction you're likely to get.

Read on to prepare yourself for that "we need to talk" moment.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The Ram has a hot temper, but also gets over things quicker than most. Expect an outburst, no matter how gently you break the news. Make it about you, not them. Explain your need for more freedom, rather than detailing their shortcomings. And wait until you break up before seeing someone else, or you'll really have a fight on your hands.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Bulls are known for steadfastness: They will stick by you through thick and thin. Unless really pushed, a Taurus rarely initiates a breakup, preferring a comfortable rut to the chaos of change. Anticipate resistance. Discuss things with the Bull ahead of time, so it becomes more of a mutual decision. You'll encounter less resistance if you're in agreement about what's not working.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

The Twins replay conversations over and over in their minds, trying to figure out how things could have turned out differently. Choose your words carefully and answer all their questions. Once they understand, they can get over it. They'll also rehash the breakup with whomever will listen. Think of it as therapy -- not gossip -- and cut them some slack.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The Crab forms deep bonds and doesn't let go easily. Even if you're not right for each other, sensitive and giving Cancer needs your acknowledgment. Saying something like, "You'll always have a special place in my heart," helps the Crab move on. But don't expect to be friends right away -- give them plenty of time to get over it.

Related Article: Use Astrology to Get Your Ex Back

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

To avoid injuring the legendary Leonine pride, take this person out to a nice dinner. Thank them for all they've done for you before breaking the news. If you felt neglected or mistreated, be tactful about it. "We just don't meet each other's needs anymore" works well. The Lion will be glad you spared his or her dignity and will be less prone to wrathful judgment.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Virgos work hard at making you happy and fixing your problems, and may not realize they're trying too hard. If they've been overly giving or too industrious at pointing out your faults, talk about ways you can create more balance before giving up on the relationship. If this is not possible, illustrate what's not working for you to make the breakup easier. If You're a Virgo: Don't recite a long list of reasons for the breakup. Others don't need to analyze things the way you do -- heartfelt compassion and gratitude will go much farther.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

For the sign that's all about relationships, a breakup feels like true failure. Libra will often hang on until the bitter end, aiming for that elusive harmony. Be willing to attend couples counseling if you're asked. If that doesn't work, appeal to Libra's sense of justice by saying it isn't fair to either of you to continue in a situation that just isn't working.

Related Article: The Astrology of Cheating

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Not everyone can handle the intense, passionate and sometimes demanding Scorpio. If you're out of your depth or comfort zone, say so sooner rather than later -- once this sign has claimed you, it's hard to shake them loose. Don't ever betray them or sneak around -- they'll nail you for it. Speak honestly, act boldly and hold to your resolve.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Giving the Sagittarian a "long leash" should fulfill their need for freedom. But if you still need more intimacy or commitment than they can provide, explain that you're just an incompatible match. Be prepared for a possible scene, though. They may fuss and fume, but will get over it fairly quickly.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Having a well-thought-out exit plan lets the Goat know you're serious about breaking up. They may not show their feelings, but they don't give up easily and may offer you various incentives to give it another try. Be sure to express gratitude for all they've given you, even if you felt it wasn't enough, and you'll be able to part on good terms.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Stressing your need for greater freedom is speaking an Aquarian's language. They're not that good at intimacy, and they know it -- so don't rub it in. They make great friends, though, and will probably be glad to remain buddies with you. Don't mistake a cool reaction for lack of caring. Encourage them to get emotional -- it's good for them.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

The Fish will hang on to you forever if they feel you need them. Therefore, becoming more self-reliant is your first step. Then, let Pisces know how much you adore them, but that you have to move on. If they've put you on a pedestal, don't be afraid to step off and show your true self -- but try not to hurt their sensitive feelings in the process.If You're a Pisces: Don't be wishy-washy about breaking up, especially if someone is taking advantage of you. Being too nice or vague about your needs won't set you free.

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