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Cheating Clues by Zodiac Sign

Are some zodiac signs more likely to cheat?

by Staff
cheating partner

Are you worried your partner will cheat? Anyone who's been cheated on knows it's an incredibly painful betrayal you never want to go through again. Maybe you've even decided to swear off dating all sexy Scorpios because the last one was unfaithful... If only protecting yourself was that easy.

The fact is, no one zodiac sign is more likely to cheat than another. One bad Scorpio does not spoil the Scorpio bunch, so to speak, so avoiding all future prospects of the same sign as someone who betrayed you is silly. But what you can do to protect yourself is look to each zodiac sign for clues about how they might be tempted to cheat.

If you're worried your partner might cheat, here are a few cosmic clues to watch for:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

If an energetic Aries is going to cheat, it's most likely because they want more excitement in the relationship. Aries are athletic and always on the go, and if you can't keep up they might be inclined to just go without you. Aries also has an ego that needs attention, so keep your Aries partner happy with lots of physical affection and do your best to maintain the WOW factor.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus is a very loyal sign, so they would most likely only be tempted to cheat if they suspected their partner was not equally loyal. That said, Taurus is also very sensual and could be tempted to stray for the pure pleasure of it. Keep your Taurus happy by showing how much you care, both physically and emotionally -- lots of sex, home cooked meals, and notes of affection.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Restless Geminis need intellectual stimulation to stay connected with their partners, so keep up your end of the conversation to keep 'em hooked. If Gemini does cheat, it's more likely to be an emotional affair than a physical one, or they may engage in an affair online via e-mails, texts, and sex sites that are geared to mental cheating. Try talking sexy to your Gemini and offer plenty of mental stimulation to keep them connected to you and only you.

Related Article: Breaking Up by Sign

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Sweet, sensitive Cancer is unlikely to stray – unless they are in fact too sensitive. Having low self-esteem is one of the No. 1 reasons people cheat because it gives them an ego boost. So if your Cancer is too sensitive and they don't feel loved, they may look for love and validation elsewhere. Try to give your Cancer plenty of reassurance about how much you care to keep your Crab from crawling out on you.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo is a Fire sign that desires drama and excitement. Plus, Leo always wants to be the center of attention and the best at everything they do -- which is why Leo lovers have such a sexy reputation. Keep your Leo satisfied by learning a few creative tricks in bed and letting them know how amazing they make you feel. If your Leo does still cheat, don't be surprised if it's with a younger version of you -- they're attracted to that youthful energy and hate the idea of growing old.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgo is a serious sign and these individuals can sometimes be too hard on themselves, but it's also typically a very grounded and loyal Earth sign. That said, if your Virgo becomes frustrated because they don't feel you're giving them enough or you're being too critical of them, they may become overly critical of you, too, and cheat on their way to finding someone new. Let your Virgo know you love them just the way they are and you'll get a loyal, loving partner in return.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

This romantic sign is ultimately balanced and fair, and they take commitments seriously so cheating is not very likely. However, lovely Libras do like to socialize and flirt, so they may inadvertently put themselves in situations where the flirting goes too far. If you can be a great friend to your Libra lover it will benefit your romantic relationship, too. Having fun together coupled with lots of affection will keep your Libra happy and faithful.

Related Article: Dating Dealbreakers by Sign

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio is so dark, mysterious, and passionate that they are often associated with cheating, but that's not entirely fair. Intense and private, this is the sign you're mostly likely to accuse of cheating and find yourself wrong. Oops. Scorpio can be incredibly loyal, but they do have strong physical desires and a need for excitement. The best advice? Don't be afraid to get a little kinky and you'll keep Scorpio forever in your bed.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Fiery Sagittarius needs a lot of action and adventure -- and that extends to the bedroom. Always on the move and chasing new experiences, it's hard to get Sag to commit in the first place, so once they do they are likely to take the commitment seriously. One thing to watch is that they don't flirt too much, because it can accidentally lead to trouble. But if you share your Sagittarius' adventurous spirit and don't cramp their freedom too much, they can be very loyal partners, indeed.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Calm, cool, and collected Capricorns most often make loyal lovers, as they have the discipline and control to stop themselves from cheating -- even if strongly tempted. But Caps do demand respect and admiration from their partners, and this Goat will wander off if you don't do your best to let them know how amazing they are. The good news? Capricorn is honorable, so they're more likely to outright leave a relationship than cheat. Wait, that is good news, right?

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Detached, intellectual Aquarius is not the most romantic zodiac sign, but these individuals still need to feel important and loved by their partners. On the other hand, sometimes Aquarians can get so caught up in their new ideas and inventions that they neglect their own partners and find themselves the victims of the cheating. Aquarius is the most unpredictable sign, so keep things equally unpredictable and you'll keep your Aquarius interested long-term.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Dreamy Water sign Pisces has a vivid imagination, and loves nothing more than entertaining fantasies of fated, forever love. However, Pisces' lust for this love magic might cause them to eventually become unhappy once the relationship settles into a long-term comfort zone. Do your best to create magic moments with your Pisces mate, and that way they'll always know YOU are their fate.

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